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v0.2 update details; edited title
Mark Rushakoff
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Flack Overstow - Generate spam from Stack Exchange posts

##Online demo courtesy of George Edison:

Note: the tool only works for Ask Ubuntu, so you'll need to find your user ID there (assuming you have an account there - otherwise try my user ID there: 5).

##Screenshot / Code Snippet

$ python 126042

Before 'if' statement... Past 'if' statement. Floating point exception on my system. So, you should check whether e is a very popular way to access Word and Excel documents. There's a line inside an expression like that; the simplest workaround is to end of the using block } If someone really wants to access it as an "anonymous" stub directly generated by the framework, for simplicity's sake. Check our Eureqa, a free (as in beer) utility from Cornell University. What's particularly interesting about Eureqa is a dereferenced pointer. If you had done var quux = GetSomething() where I've seen it, but I remember their variable context, and are full Warnings turned on. When -cw is customary in Lua to start arrays while those around are willing to Integer (I suspect there is and double parentheses also prints out 10, but running that through ruby -cw is used to Check the syntax.

##About FlackOverstow is a toy, written in Python 2.6 (but should be compatible with 2.5 -- let me know if it's not). It pulls the latest questions or answers or comments for a given user ID and creates a Markov chain of the text, then gives you something that should never be posted as a real answer. (If you're not familiar, Markov chains are one way that spammers make emails/posts that look like natural text, until you look more closely.)


It's a toy application, so I chose the MIT license to make it very open source. Feel free to include it on your site or in your app. If you do use it, you aren't obligated to tell me about it, but I'd love to hear about it or see your app.


My Bazaar branches are on Launchpad, but you can download the package (it's just 3 Python files in a single zip or tarball) from Google Code.


I've successfully run this on both Windows and Mac platforms. I would expect it to run fine on Linux as well.


If you need to contact me for some reason, use Launchpad or Google Code for it. Or just comment here.


Written in pure Python 2.6. Uses simplejson when possible, then falls back to json. Depends on BeautifulSoup to get rid of HTML in the body portion of questions, answers, comments.

Your Flack Overstows

If you generate any particularly funny spam with Flack Overstow, post it here! Be sure to play with the options on the command line ( --help for details). You can change the length of the Markov chains (number of words in a chain), how many chains to use to make a post, which site to use, and more. You can specify an API key to use at the command line, if necessary.

Updates in v0.2

I've updated the API version to use v1.0, and I've modified the command line format for specifying the site. Previously you had a couple fixed choices, but now you have to specify the whole domain (e.g. instead of just stackoverflow) -- but this means you can now use Flack Overstow on other StackExchange sites.

Have fun!

Mark Rushakoff
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