###App Homepage
alt text http://lh4.ggpht.com/_EURUR9y0Q5g/TBaiaO8pKoI/AAAAAAAABsQ/YqYKPQiyzEc/Picture%202.png
###Printable view
alt text http://lh6.ggpht.com/_EURUR9y0Q5g/S_2AOHJE1GI/AAAAAAAABqI/Hv_ii-RALZY/s576/Picture%201.png
alt text http://lh6.ggpht.com/_EURUR9y0Q5g/S_jb2aYgAYI/AAAAAAAABpw/04sg65Eanfc/StackPrinter_logo.png
StackPrinter is a website that pulls the main details of a given question, all its answers, comments and votes and formats them in a simple essential printable view.
I've created this micro web application basically to add a "Printer-Friendly" feature to the Stack Exchange Network sites, trying to remove some @Media Print CSS
limitations like hidden comments, pagination and empty spaces. (rationale here)
Other features:
- Addons:
- Greasemonkey script - Adds a Printer-Friendly button on question's page (FF|Chrome)
- Bookmarklet - Allows you to print a question directly from question's page
- Favorites: lets you browse and print favorites users's questions from:
- The Stack Exchange Network
- Delicious social bookmarking
- TopVoted: lets you browse and print the top voted questions by tags
Printable question:
What should a developer know before building a public web site? - Stack Overflow
Recovering a lost website with no backup? - Super User
Good tools that fit on a thumb drive - Server Fault
Jon Skeet Facts? - Meta Stack Overflow
API Documentation and Help - Stack Apps
Jon Skeet - Stack Overflow
Jeff Atwood - Stack Overflow
Zoredache - Server Fault
wil - Super User
gangsta75 - Delicious
python tag - Stack Overflow
discussion tag - Meta Stack Overflow
Language: Python
Platform: Google App Engine
Framework: webpy
Source: github
Api: /export
License: BSD
- ChangeLog
- Todo
- Submit issues
- Current version: 0.8.7 (Web Apps support)
- The Team
- Jonathon Watney (sopy library)
- Michael Noll (python delicious)
- Balpha (unicorn provider)
- George Edison (logos)
- Jon Seigel (idea)