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Questions tagged [users]

Tools that help with user profiles/accounts, or issues with the API handling of users

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2 votes
1 answer

/users/{id}/badges - multiple identical results

Each badge returned in the list of results from /users/{id}/badges already contains an award_count indicating how many times the badge was awarded for the particular user attached to the badge. In ...
ColinD's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Plans to expose details from the "accounts" tab of the user page?

One thing that I noticed was missing from the /users/ API was an ability to see what other Stack Exchange sites the user is associated with (what's usually available from the "accounts" tab of the ...
Ryan Brunner's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why is sort by name reverse alphabetical?

It makes sense that reputation or date should sort descending, but name? I tested both /users and /tags and they sort reverse alphabetical, so Z before A. Is that by design or just a side effect of ...
Jim McKeeth's user avatar

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