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Include Full Post Details In /users/{id}/timeline

I have a feature request. I'm trying to pull the recent activity about a user from the API. So I'm parsing /users/{id}/timeline. But that only gives me meta-information about the activity. So then,...
ircmaxell's user avatar
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Complete question timeline including votes

Is there any chance to get more information in questions timeline such as when it has been upvoted, when it has been downvoted, same for all answers, including comments, and other actions such as vote ...
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Filter timeline by event type

Would it be possible to add the ability to filter a user's timeline by event? For example, only return revision events?
Gelatin's user avatar
  • 796
6 votes
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In the timeline the ability to know what events belong to what question

Take this example:;3182016/timeline Would it not make sense to have the question_id as a parameter on each timeline object? It makes the timeline ...
johnwards's user avatar
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