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Questions tagged [tampermonkey]

Tampermonkey is a userscript manager for most major browsers. It provides/executes privileged javascript that allows you to customize the way web pages look and act. **USE THIS TAG FOR ANY SCRIPT THAT REQUIRES GM_ FUNCTIONS OR THE @require DIRECTIVE.** It supersedes the Greasemonkey tag except for any scripts that only work on Greasemonkey 4 or later.

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<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts

This script adds buttons and keyboard shortcuts that make it easy to add/remove: <kbd> tags Superscripts and subscripts <del> tags <br> tags &emsp; when editing posts. Ol…

duckduckstack - The StackExchange API Doc Autocompleter

NOTE (2nd April, 2012): After an e-mail correspondence with DuckDuckGo's Gabriel W. I decided to take down this project (and remove it from GitHub) due to Terms of Service issues with aggregating s…