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Questions tagged [reputation]

User reputation as returned by the API or displayed on Stack Exchange sites

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Getting weird response from StackExchange API [duplicate]

Context: I am trying to notify myself with an email whenever there is a reputation change on my account every 30 mins(which will come via a cron job). So I am hitting a StackExchange API to get this. ...
nice_dev's user avatar
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The reputation_change field is missing from the reputation results on some CW posts

When querying the /users/{ids}/reputation API route, the reputation_change field is missing from the results on community-wiki answers. I think the reputation type should always include this field, ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
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Stack Info: a Chrome extension to display information from Stack Overflow and help you follow your reputation

Screenshot / Code Snippet About Chrome Extension to display information from Stack Overflow and help you follow your reputation. It is fairly simple project (especially compared to other chrome ...
Aurélien Thieriot's user avatar
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Can you please return the reputation scores in addition to the reputation changes?

As by far and large (one of) the (two) largest consumer of /users/*/reputation1 , I humbly request an addition to this route. What I'd love to see is getting the reputation score in addition to the ...
badp's user avatar
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How to get the question title for reputation history entries?

I'm trying to implement a simple rep list, much like as seen on Stack Exchange sites. What I would like is to get three things: the rep change amount, type of change, and question title. However, ...
user avatar
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Top Pagination for User Reputation League

About User Script for cloning the bottom pagination content of the user reputation leagues page and adding them in the top of the user list. User script created for the "feature-request" of this ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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Has someone implemented code(in javascript) to get last seven days consolidated reputation thorough API?

I am trying to get user's reputation for last seven days. I want to get total reputation user has earned on specific day. Has someone implemented a way to do this in javascript? I know I can do this ...
Nikhil N's user avatar
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/users/{ID}/reputation is returning a 500 error.

The following API request: returning an error: { error_id: 500, error_name: "...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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What's the default fromdate for the /users/{id}/reputation route?

I'm getting different amounts of positive-rep when I use the fromdate and todate parameters with the /users/{id}/reputation route than when I don't use those parameters and accept the defaults. I ...
Bill the Lizard's user avatar
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How to use the API to show the user reputation? [duplicate]

How do I use the Stack Exchange API to let my users enter their Stack Overflow URL and then extract their reputation and show it in a profile controller in Rails?
frustrateddeveloper's user avatar
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how/when is rep_change updated?

I am trying to determine the most efficient way to keep a user's rep_change history updated and need some guidance. Here are a few assumptions that I am inferring from the available information: the ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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