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How can I get a user's Meta site details in the API call?

This query returns the details of the Main sites only:         /associated-users#ids=2855348 How can I get the Meta site details also in the same query? Do I need to add any ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
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Do the questions tagged "placeholder" need it explicitly in the title?

I have create a placeholder question, but just noticed that all the other ones have "(placeholder)", "[PLACEHOLDER]" or some variant in the title. Do I need to include it in the title if it's tagged?
Tim's user avatar
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Should feature-requests, for third party apps, be flagged as "not an answer"?

I spotted this "answer" as a first-time post: Feature Request Please add support for proxies.... It would be helpful to people behind proxies. Like "ME" I was going to flag it as "Not an ...
Brock Adams's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Prevent that posts tagged with app or library enter Community Wiki mode when the owner edits it 8 times

I've edited my App 8 times and my question has switched automatically to Community Wiki (I'm aware that it's reported in the faq). The main reason of these many edits is my shaky english, but I can ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
3 votes
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Is gone?

Sorry If I am posting in wrong place, but when I try to login to today, I got password protected page and looks like previous password is not valid anymore.
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