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Stack Exchange Java client library

A Java client library that wraps the Stack Apps API. The library uses the newer Jersey REST processing that will eventually become part of the Java platform. Change Log Version 0.9 Added suppor…

OBSOLETE - so++ - C++ Library

so++ is an object-oriented wrapper for the StackOverflow API. It currently uses libcurl and jsoncpp. The .zip file includes examples, though they need the API key replaced. License so++ is rele…

OBSOLETE - Mobile Exchange Library for .NET Compact Framework

Since the .NET Compact Framework is always lagging behind in terms of what is implemented, and what is not implemented, I made a .NET library for the Stack Exchange API specifically made for the .N…

OBSOLETE - ActionStack - An ActionScript Wrapper for the API

ActionStack is an ActionScript 3 wrapper for the StackOverflow API. ActionStack fully supports all API methods, including StackAuth methods. Although there is no documentation for ActionStack at th…