Questions tagged [keyboard-shortcuts]
For scripts that enhance browsing Stack Exchange by adding keyboard shortcuts (beyond the already existing ones). Use together with the [script] tag.
<kbd>, Superscript and Subscript, markup shortcuts
This script adds buttons and keyboard shortcuts that make it easy to add/remove: <kbd> tags Superscripts and subscripts <del> tags <br> tags   when editing posts. Ol…
MathJax Buttons
Mathjax Buttons adds convenient buttons and keyboard shortcuts for those who use MathJax on SE
Better handling of indentation and the TAB key when editing posts
This user script changes the behavior of a few keys (most notably the Tab key) within the post editor to behave more like it does in IDEs or text editors
Fix keyboard shortcuts for navigating lists
Description Inspired from Support paging keyboard shortcuts in NAtOQ 10k-tools and Support paging keyboard shortcuts in Staging Ground. Currently several places that show a paged list of items do n…
Official keyboard shortcuts
The official keyboard shortcuts for the Stack Exchange sites, developed as a user script until ready for inclusion as a regular feature.
Add keyboard shortcuts to comments
Adds Ctrl+B (bold), Ctrl+I (italic), Ctrl+K (code), and Ctrl+L (link) shortcuts to comments.
White keyboard highlighting in dark mode
Description This changes highlighting from using keyboard shortcuts to use white instead of black. Allows actually seeing the highlighting noticeable in high contrast mode. The userstyle only works…