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Download data for specific tag

How to download all the data just for a specific tag (say [compiler-error])? On Stack Overflow, there are around 19000 questions tagged with [compiler-error]. So, I was hoping is it downloadable w.r.t ...
RockyJ's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to handle default compression on response with Java's HttpURLConnection? [duplicate]

I sent a request for question with no parameters to I received a response of 9764 bytes stored in ...
Louise's user avatar
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Trying to get Stack Overflow Access token Using "RestAssured"

I have been trying to create an access token for a Stack Exchange app (already created). I am not even sure if I am using the correct URL RestAssured....
Mahesh Shetty's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Java Wrapper for the 2.2 API

I've been looking for a Java based API/wrapper/DAO for the new SE API 2.2. but could not find any (May very well be a limitation of my search skills, though.) I found references to attempts at ...
Lefty G Balogh's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Encoding problem while accessing the API using Java

Trying to call an API URL from a Java application, I'm having problems accessing the contents of the URL. I can access other sites through my program but not the Stack Exchange site. But I can call ...
Abheeshta Putta's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

The StackWrap4J java wrapper gives nothing but `JSONException`s?

I'm using the StackWrap4J java wrapper for the Stack Overflow API. But every code I try, that uses methods of this java wrapper, ends with this JSONException: net.sf.stackwrap4j.json.JSONException: ...
Doron Tro's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Differences between versions 1.x and 2.x of the Stack Exchange API?

I had written a Java Wrapper for the Stack Exchange API, version 1.x, Which was working perfectly. But, since 12 May 2014, services for version 1.x have been shutdown and my Wrapper stopped working. ...
Sanjiv's user avatar
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1 answer

Wrapper implementation method to get user notifications in Stack Exchange?

I'm trying to build an app that requires me to get the user notifications for a particular Stack Exchange user. Now, I'm trying to use Java to accomplish this and I came across this wrapper library: ...
seeker's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Using an existing Java oAuth implementation to access the Stack Exchange 2 Api?

I found the Scribe oAuth api and I was wondering how a call would work with the Stack Exchange API, since that uses oAuth. I'm sorta green when it comes to oAuth but I'm planning on writing an ...
Manny Fleurmond's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Is it OK to have a test account for a developing client?

I'm currently trying to implement an agorava component for Stackoverflow, and for testing purpose, i would like to create a test account, which would have one question asked, and would maybe send ...
Riduidel's user avatar
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Coding error at open URL

Hi, I have the following method to open a URL API String c=""; URL direccionURL; try { direccionURL = new URL(""); BufferedReader in = new ...
Lobo's user avatar
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