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Questions tagged [email]

For questions about apps, scripts or libraries that involve sending email or using email for authentication purposes or email related aspects.

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5 votes
1 answer

Get the Authenticated User's email?

We're building the website for our local Developer Community. We're trying to enable "Login with Stack Exchange" (we already got LinkedIn and GitHub), but I can't seem to find the User's email when ...
2 votes
1 answer

desktop alert with notificatons whenever a favourite tagged question will be asked

I am using Firefox browser and Ubuntu13.04. I am looking for an app,which will create a desktop alert with sounds,whenever any question included with my listed tags in my favourite list will be asked ...
7 votes
0 answers

StackMail - Making the StackExchange Sites Accessible Via Email

Planned Obsolescence Due to almost negligible usage and ongoing maintenance issues, I would like to announce that the StackMail service will be shut down in a few days. Screenshot http://files....
3 votes
2 answers

I want to receive email alerts if a question is asked with a specific tag. Is there an app for that?

The title says it all. Does this exist?
5 votes
2 answers
119 views{id}/associated no longer returning email_hash for some sites

I'm not getting email_hash for some sites from{id}/associated since sometime after midnight CDT (UTC-0500).