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Top questions by tag and period

I want to get via API the most voted questions from the latest week (for example) from a specified tag (php, for example). How can I do this?
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
4 votes
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What does "Unchanged in unsafe filters" mean?

Could someone clarify what this means? For example, what does it mean that the short_description field is Unchanged in unsafe filters for a Privilege?
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
4 votes
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Implicit OAuth Flow stopped working. Redirect happening to a non existent URL [duplicate]

The following URL is first hit when a user clicks on Login:
Prasanna's user avatar
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Advanced search API not returning data for "phonegap" tag

I am trying to gather results from the API for the tag phonegap but the API is not returning any data. I am using /search/advanced and get nothing back for November: { "items": [], "...
Rod Burns's user avatar
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What is the private_info scope for?

In the docs it says you can pass private_info for scope when authenticating a user. What does this allow you to access, that you couldn't otherwise?
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Is there a way (or app) to get realtime updates of new questions with a given tag?

According to Stack Exchange API not realtime?, the API does not return results in realtime, but has 1 minute delay for the same query. Is there a system or an app that delivers new questions in ...
B Seven's user avatar
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12 votes
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API V2.0 Public Beta Begins

As has been announced, we're starting the public beta and spinning up a contest (as we did with V1.0). As such, some of the guidelines for the private beta no longer apply. The api-v2-beta tag no ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
4 votes
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Stack Tunnel - WebGL Visualization for Stack Exchange

Stack Tunnel Screenshots About StackTunnel is a WebGL visualization which displays the latest questions from any Stack Exchange site interactively within your web browser. You can click on the ...
Crashthatch's user avatar
5 votes
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Typos in the API 2.0 Documentation

Typo #1: There are two different objects that represent a user in the Stack Exchange API, the full user object and the smaller shallow_user object. Which is returned depends on the method being ...
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
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Most of the url are missing the protocol

Maybe you were trying to fix the other "bug" I've pointed out, but now most of the url for the icons are missing the protocol! { "site_type": "main_site", "name": "Stack Overflow", "...
Enrichman's user avatar
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Suggested Edits Queue for Mere Mortals

Screenshot About This Java command-line app gives you access to the Suggested Edits queue using the Stack Exchange 2.0 API. It is ideally suited for users in the 2000 <= reputation < 5000 ...
Marvin Pinto's user avatar
3 votes
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Is the "link" URL enough to uniquely identify an "inbox_item"?

I've been looking at the documentation on the inbox_item type, and I was wondering what is the correct way to uniquely identify an inbox_item? Is the "link" URL enough to uniquely identify an "...
Alex Lockwood's user avatar
2 votes
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Stack Exchange API is returning non-existant/incorrect notices for questions

When you view this question you do not see any notices other than the protected notice at bottom. Also, you are able to edit the answers and question (provided you have the privilege). However, when ...
kittycat's user avatar
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TIARA - a tool for enhancing SE beauty

About Quality is an important area of concern for Stack Exchange sites. Immediate quality concerns are generally handled through a combination of flagging and downvoting. However, some things don't ...
agent86's user avatar
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In the API, User object, what are all these reputation properties?

I am going through the JSON that is resulting from calling the Stack Exchange User API. I see a bunch of reputation fields. private Number reputation; private Number reputation_change_day; private ...
Nicholas DiPiazza's user avatar
5 votes
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Can I search over SE using SE API if I have only a username?

How do I can find someone's userid if I have only their username? For example, my real username is: Zagorulkin Dmitry My Stack Overflow userid is: 1321404 Are there any API methods for this kind ...
Dmitry Zagorulkin's user avatar
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API is accepting requests from other OAuth domains

I've set an OAuth domain for an application (the client_id is 24) and the following link authorizes the application:,...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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2 answers

API Help's CSS is missing

The API Help page's CSS file, located at, is current returning 404 for me: <div id="header"><h1>Server Error</h1></div> <div id="content"> ...
Yi Jiang's user avatar
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ExchangeLinq: LINQ Query Provider for Stack Exchange API v2.0

ExchangeLinq is a LINQ Query Provider for the Stack Exchange API. It only supports API v2.0. It is currently in alpha state and is being developed for Exchange It, a Stack Exchange client for Windows ...
JLaanstra's user avatar
7 votes
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Can we have the display_name field in the /me/associated route?

I'm reading the Authentication documentation and I've noticed that the /me/associated route returns fields like user_id, badges, reputation but not the display_name, even specifying a custom Filter. ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
3 votes
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Problem with /search tagged and max

Seems like a problem with /search when max is not set to today, and tagged is given:
jogloran's user avatar
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Why is there a difference between "questions" and "search" in API?

I have a query to find the number of questions tagged java from 2012-08-01 to 2013-08-01. Running this using both /questions and /search produces different results:
Sarath Saleem's user avatar
2 votes
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Indicate in documentation whether "numbers" can be non-integral

"number" is an very ambiguous term. Integral or non-integral? For developers in more dynamically-typed languages like JavaScript, this is not an issue; but when using more statically-typed languages ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Version used by StackExchange API if version is not specified in api calls

I have used some StackExchange API calls in my chrome extension - StackEye. With the release of API 2.0, I want to update the api calls so I wanted to know New things available in 2.0+ which were ...
Sachin Jain's user avatar
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Get Token button in "Try it" doesn't give me a key in IE11

When I visit for example the timeline docs to try that api I need to get a token first by clicking 'Get Token'. In IE11 (win 7/x64) this is broken. A window does pop-up but there is never a key ...
rene's user avatar
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Update the default filter editor to use the API key

When I run a sample query using the SE API browser (is that right term?), say against /questions for example (here), I'll always see something to the effect of: ... "quota_remaining": 9424, "...
Marvin Pinto's user avatar
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Can I search for the most favoured questions via the API

This came to me after reading this post. I had a look at the API page and I wanted to find a way to search for the most Favoured questions. Is there a way to do this? I tried to manipulate the URL ...
Deesbek's user avatar
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How to get the question title for reputation history entries?

I'm trying to implement a simple rep list, much like as seen on Stack Exchange sites. What I would like is to get three things: the rep change amount, type of change, and question title. However, ...
user avatar
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the stack exchange javascript library is 404

the library listed on the doc page for Authentication ultimately redirects to which results in varying degrees ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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4 votes
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Typo in the docs for /me

The doc says: Returns the user associated with the passed auth_token. This method returns a user. It should say "access_token" instead of "auth_token".
Adam Lear's user avatar
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Ability to sort answers by number of revisions via StackExchange API v2?

I was curious whether there was a way to easily find which StackOverflow answer has the highest number of revisions and/or to sort by that metric. I see mention of a sort function in the ...
Gary S. Weaver's user avatar
4 votes
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Documentation sorted by return type

Right now the documentation is pretty terribly organized. For example, consider the things under the "Users" heading: /users => returns Users /users/{ids} => returns Users /users/{ids}/answers => ...
Dave DeLong's user avatar
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API v2.0 Developing desktop app

If I am developing a client side application, what kind of domain should I provide to 0Auth callback? Can it be a custom application-centric scheme (like myapp://oauthcallback/)?
Eimantas's user avatar
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How can I get a list of favorite/ignored tags?

I can not find an API method method that would provide me with a set of favorite/ignored tags for a given user. Is there such a method? If not, is there a recommended way to get this information?
Andrey Shchekin's user avatar
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CDN redirect for the API's JavaScript SDK is incorrect

The API's JavaScript SDK is listed as However, GET request produces the following response: Status Code: 301 Moved Permanently Location: https://api-...
Andrey Shchekin's user avatar
0 votes
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Add message ID to inbox items

Feature request: The inbox item object should include a message_id field. The ID should identify inbox messages uniquely within StackExchange.
Adam's user avatar
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Meta Stack Overflow API Try-It form sends request to Stack Overflow API instead of Meta API

Meta Stack Overflow API Try-It form sends request to Stack Overflow API instead of Meta API
YOU's user avatar
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Why doesn't the API return suggested edits on tag wikis?

Is there a reason why the API doesn't return suggested edits on tag wikis on the suggested-edits route?
Sathyajith Bhat's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there a meta api?

Is there a meta API for StackExchange? I don't mean an API for accessing meta sites, but rather an API to get information about the API itself. What I'm looking for is something that I can call that ...
Dave DeLong's user avatar
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Reputation API to display a reputation history

I'm building something similar to the reputation graph / summary on the SO user page. The answer explains that the /users/{ids}/reputation API method gives a sum of reputation for the period. So ...
russau's user avatar
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Is question_id unique across all stackexchange sites?

The standard structure of a question URL is: Example: It is ...
Eugen's user avatar
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Am I out of luck if my http client doesn't support gzip decoding?

I'm playing with the oauth2 support in v2-beta with an http client that doesn't support gzip decoding. (My client is http spec compliant but can't deal with the non-compliance of the api on this issue)...
Eric Bloch's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to get daily reputation change for a user via the API?

I'm trying to fetch a user's daily reputation change history for a project that's still early in the planning stages. I've been trying to use the "reputation" endpoint, but it seems like I can query ...
agent86's user avatar
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/questions/tagged/{tags} - tags param clarification

This API method has been removed as of Jul 16 '10. The original question is preserved below for posterity. It is not clear what a "list" of {tags} looks like. Does this parameter follow the ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Once authorized, is there a way to auto-login with a browser?

Assuming I've created an app that authenticates the user against api-v2, is there a method to get a token or cookie that I can pass to a browser instance set to load a stack exchange site that will ...
Adam Davis's user avatar
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Support for OR constraint when querying questions based on tags [duplicate]

Right now, there is no way (as far as I know) to query for questions based on multiple tags using an OR constraint. You can query for questions tagged with multiple of these tags, but not with one or ...
tolgap's user avatar
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how to get the number of profile views

according to the documentation, a User object has an attribute view_count, indicating the number of views of the user's profile. An example is also given there. However, when I sent a request /2.0/...
G.Z.'s user avatar
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/posts/{id}/revisions breaks for posts with [tag:*] content

Attempting to access (at least) the revisions route for a post with a revision involving the [tag:*] syntax causes an error: Example on Meta Stack Overflow (Post History) Example on Mathematica (Post ...
Tim Stone's user avatar
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"Authentication Statistics" graph y-axis labels are overly granular

Yesterday there was a spike in my app's authentication requests (thanks for that, by the way ;) which has caused my authentication graph to show a much wider range of Y values than it did previously. ...
agent86's user avatar
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Would implementing both 1.1 and 2.0 APIs in an app/script to get around the API quotas be considered abuse?

In another question I asked it was established that The IP, and user/app-pair quotas are separate in V1.x and V2.0. So with this in mind would an app or script which implemented like methods for ...
hippietrail's user avatar

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