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What happens if an app becomes super popular?

Will there be provisions for apps to become "sponsored" by SO wherein the limits are removed? Say somebody writes the de-facto iPhone app and it gets 500,000 users, the 10K cap will be hit pretty ...
TheHurt's user avatar
  • 4,535
3 votes
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Guidance on usage thresholds - specifically throttling [duplicate]

I am running a lot of tests and have started to get 403 errors. I am using a key and certainly have not exceeded my quota. Am I running foul of some yet unmentioned throttling threshold and if so, ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
  • 12.1k
2 votes
1 answer

Obtain the list of questions associated to answer_ids without losing the information of which question comes from which answer_id

This is a follow up to a previous question of mine, and the starting point is that, given a list of reputation objects retrieved via /users/{ids}/reputation, I can easily retain only the entries with ...
Enlico's user avatar
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