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bad_parameter when using key with todate?

I'm having trouble using my API key with the todate parameter. My query works fine with todate: $ curl -s "
bmaupin's user avatar
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How do I parse the dates from the API?

I see that JSON returned by the API contains dates in the following format: "creation_date":1364546475 ^^^^^^^^^^ What's the meaning of it? How can I parse it to get the date in the ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
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Why does adding fromdate=<long time ago> return a different set than without it?

I've been trying to get some stats for the Windows 8 challenge over on Super User. I've noticed that there are some questions missing if I add fromdate=0. Why is this? Without fromdate: http://api....
Bob's user avatar
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What is the unix epoch date, range [0, 253,402,300,799] in the API docs?

The type of the fromdate or todate in several methods is set to unix epoch date, range [0, 253,402,300,799] I don't know what that is and I can't find any information -- can someone explain it or ...
phi's user avatar
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