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stackchat.cpp - a C++20 library for Stack Exchange chat

C++20 library for Stack Exchange chat, with exactly 0 boost. Includes the core framework for bots, including command structures, listeners, etc., as well as base functionality.

Stack Exchange Chat API Documentation and Bot Boilerplate (finally)

Chat Documentation GitHub Link: Description: I know many people have created bots in different languages. Thats why I need your h…

ChatX: A ruby library for SE Chat

ChatX is a ruby chat library. Despite it's -pre version number, it is currently in a fully usable state.

Node.js/ChatExchange - An API for Chat

ChatExchange is a node.js API for talking to Stack Exchange chat (Largely based on ChatExchange for python). This is still very much in the works, but currently provides a working API for those who…

v0.1.3, Blue

go-sechat - Go package for interacting with the Stack Exchange chat network

The Stack Exchange chat network does not currently have an API. However, after spending a bit of time in Chrome's Inspector, I was able to reverse-engineer most of the requests and responses travel…

ThirdPlace JavaScript chat library

ThirdPlace.js is a library which abstracts some of the concepts of the SE Chat system (the "Third Place") into easy to use JavaScript objects.

v0.5a, Josh

ChatExchange - It is an API for Chat

It is an API for Chat, made in Javascript License ChatExchange is released under the Apache License 2.0. Download You can download ChatExchange here: Compressed Version or Normal Version Conta…

ArtOfChatbot + Chat API - a customisable chatbot

ArtOfChatbot is a two-part creation: a basic chatbot script, and an API to customise it. It is designed to be: completely in-browser easy to run easy to extend (with some JS knowledge) You can …