The body returned by the search excerpts call seems to omit formatting and sometimes even formatted content. Example calls follow for this question: Does `inquestion` support multiple question ids?

  • The search excerpts call returns "body": "The parameter has an operator that can take a question id.\nCan it take multiple question ids?\nMy use-case is as follows:\n\nI want to get an array of questions with their excerpts.\n\nHowever, results don't include many of properties...
  • Post information calls like questions by IDs return "body": "<p>The <code>q</code> parameter has an <code>inquestion</code> operator that can take a question id.</p>\n<p>Can it take <em>multiple</em> question ids?</p>\n<p>My use-case is as follows:</p>\n<ul>\n<li><p>I want to get an array of questions with their excerpts.</p>\n</li>\n<li><p>However, <code>search/excerpts</code> results <em>don't include many of <code>/questions</code> properties</em>...

It's logical that the formatting is stripped for the excerpt return field, but that is an intelligent stripping which leaves the content alone: "excerpt": "The q parameter has an inquestion operator that can take a question id.\nCan it take multiple question ids?\nMy use-case is as follows:\n\nI want to get an array of questions with their excerpts.\n\nHowever &hellip; ". The current body field is rather useless, since e.g. the <code>q</code> is omitted entirely, instead of being replaced with q. Note that <em>multiple</em> has been replaced with multiple so in that case the content is preserved.


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