ChatExchange is a node.js API for talking to Stack Exchange chat (Largely based on ChatExchange for python). This is still very much in the works, but currently provides a working API for those who wish to connect to chat and send/receive basic messages.
Currently looking for interested developers who want to provide input and utilize this framework in their apps.
Code Snippet
const Client = require('chatexchange');
const main = async () => {
const client = new Client('stackoverflow.com');
await client.login('EMAIL', 'PASSWORD');
const me = await client.getMe();
const room = await client.joinRoom(167908);
room.on('message', async msg => {
console.log('Got Message', msg);
// eventType 8 (Someone has messaged me)
if (msg.eventType === 8 && msg.targetUserId === me.id) {
await msg.reply('Hello World!');
// Connect to the room, and listen for new events
await room.watch();
Available through npm, you can simply download with:
$ npm i chatexchange
All code is licensed under GPL-3.0.
You can find all the source code on GitHub.
Documentation can be found here.