I am trying to use the Stack Exchange API to see the trends on different topics.

Looking at the API documentation, I see that I could do this using the /search path (it's documented that this method is limited, although it doesn't mention if meaning to results limits or other kind of limitations).

I also tried /advanced-search.

There is no mention to any kind of limitation for this one. However, I don't get the same results that I get when searching on the website.
For example:

/2.2/search/advanced?order=desc&sort=activity&q=raml rest&site=stackoverflow

(no page size, no limit, no nothing) yields:

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      "title": "Azure - generating REST SDKs from IDL"
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      "title": "Angular.js integration with the in-browser RAML parser"
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      "link": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22534792/good-rest-code-generation-and-documentation-tool",
      "title": "Good rest code generation and documentation tool"
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      "closed_reason": "off-topic",
      "title": "How to use RAML to describe an API using OAuth2"
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      "title": "Mule REST APIKit- My flow isn't returning a messge body"
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      "title": "Mule ESB APIKit REST DELETE Method- Can I force Mule to use the JSON body instead of the URI?"
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(only 6 items and has_more property is false).

If I use Stack Overflow search: stackoverflow.com/search?q=raml%20rest
I'm currently getting 18 results.

Am I missing something? Is this API method limited somehow?

(I tried to find something similar on these forums but wasn't able too).

1 Answer 1


The /search path and the /search/advanced path return only questions, not answers, and by design. It says so right in the doc pages:

Searches a site for any questions which fit the given criteria.


This method returns a list of questions.

Your example Stack Overflow search returned answers as well.
The correct equivalent search is:


-- which returns 6 results, the same as the API.

The good news is that, as of version 2.2, the API provides a new route, /search/excerpts, that does return answers also.

If you try it with your raml rest query, you'll see that it gives 18 results -- same as the Stack Overflow search.

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