Beware: The API is Huge!!
Below is the list of all the "types" of objects returned by the API v2.0+ :-
Note: v2.1 specific types are noted in a seperate box
Type | Field | Field Type -------------------+------------------------------+---------------------- answers | answer_id | int, refers to an answer | body | str (2) | comments | array(comments) | community_owned_date | date (1) | creation_date | date | down_vote_count | int | is_accepted | bool | last_activity_date | date | last_edit_date | date (1) | link | str (2) | locked_date | date (1) | owner | shallow_user (1) | question_id | int, refers to a question | score | int | title | str | up_vote_count | int ------------------------------------------------------------------------- question | accepted_answer_id | int (1) | answer_count | int | answers | array(answers) | body | str (2) | bounty_amount | int (1) | bounty_closes_date | date (1) | closed_date | date (1) | closed_reason | str (1) | comments | array(comments) | community_owned_date | date (1) | creation_date | date | down_vote_count | int | favorite_count | int | is_answered | bool | last_activity_date | date | last_edit_date | date (1) | link | str (2) | locked_date | date (1) | migrated_from | migration_info (1) | migrated_to | migration_info (1) | owner | shallow_user (1) | protected_date | date (1) | question_id | int, refers to a question | score | int | tags | array(strs) | title | str | up_vote_count | int | view_count | int ------------------------------------------------------------------------- access_token | access_token | str | account_id | int | expires_on_date | date (1) | scope | array(strs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- answer | answer_id | int, refers to an answer | body | str (2) | comments | array(comments) | community_owned_date | date (1) | creation_date | date | down_vote_count | int | is_accepted | bool | last_activity_date | date | last_edit_date | date (1) | link | str (2) | locked_date | date (1) | owner | shallow_user (1) | question_id | int, refers to a question | score | int | title | str | up_vote_count | int ------------------------------------------------------------------------- badge | award_count | int | badge_id | int, refers to a badge | badge_type | one of named, or tag_based | description | str (2) | link | str (2) | name | str | rank | one of gold, silver, or bronze | user | shallow_user (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment | body | str (2) | comment_id | int, refers to a comment | creation_date | date | edited | bool | link | str (2) | owner | shallow_user (1) | post_id | int, refers to a post | post_type | one of question, or answer | reply_to_user | shallow_user (1) | score | int ------------------------------------------------------------------------- error | description | str | error_id | int, refers to an error | error_name | str ------------------------------------------------------------------------- event | creation_date | date | event_id | the id of the object (answer, comment, question, or user) the event describes | event_type | one of question_posted, answer_posted, comment_posted, post_edited, or user_created | excerpt | str (2) | link | str (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- filter | filter | str | filter_type | one of safe, unsafe, or invalid | included_fields | array(strs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- inbox_item | answer_id | int, refers to an answer (1) | body | str (2) | comment_id | int, refers to a comment (1) | creation_date | date | is_unread | bool | item_type | one of comment, chat_message, new_answer, careers_message, careers_invitations, meta_question, post_notice, or moderator_message | link | str (2) | question_id | int, refers to a question (1) | site | site (1) | title | str ------------------------------------------------------------------------- info | answers_per_minute | decimal | api_revision | str | badges_per_minute | decimal | new_active_users | int | questions_per_minute | decimal | site | site | total_accepted | int | total_answers | int | total_badges | int | total_comments | int | total_questions | int | total_unanswered | int | total_users | int | total_votes | int ------------------------------------------------------------------------- network_user | account_id | int | answer_count | int | badge_counts | badge_count | creation_date | date | last_access_date | date | question_count | int | reputation | int | site_name | str | site_url | str | user_id | int, refers to a user | user_type | one of unregistered, registered, moderator, or does_not_exist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- user type | about_me | str (2) (1) | accept_rate | int (1) | account_id | int | age | int (1) | answer_count | int | badge_counts | badge_count | creation_date | date | display_name | str | down_vote_count | int | is_employee | bool | last_access_date | date | last_modified_date | date (1) | link | str (2) | location | str (1) | profile_image | str (2) | question_count | int | reputation | int | reputation_change_day | int | reputation_change_month | int | reputation_change_quarter | int | reputation_change_week | int | reputation_change_year | int | timed_penalty_date | date (1) | up_vote_count | int | user_id | int, refers to a user | user_type | one of unregistered, registered, moderator, or does_not_exist | view_count | int | website_url | str (2) (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- post | body | str (2) | comments | array(comments) | creation_date | date | down_vote_count | int | last_activity_date | date | last_edit_date | date (1) | owner | shallow_user (1) | post_id | int, refers to a post | post_type | one of question, or answer | score | int | up_vote_count | int ------------------------------------------------------------------------- privilege | description | str (2) | reputation | int | short_description | str (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- question | accepted_answer_id | int (1) | answer_count | int | answers | array(answers) | body | str (2) | bounty_amount | int (1) | bounty_closes_date | date (1) | closed_date | date (1) | closed_reason | str (1) | comments | array(comments) | community_owned_date | date (1) | creation_date | date | down_vote_count | int | favorite_count | int | is_answered | bool | last_activity_date | date | last_edit_date | date (1) | link | str (2) | locked_date | date (1) | migrated_from | migration_info (1) | migrated_to | migration_info (1) | owner | shallow_user (1) | protected_date | date (1) | question_id | int, refers to a question | score | int | tags | array(strs) | title | str | up_vote_count | int | view_count | int ------------------------------------------------------------------------- question_timeline | comment_id | int, refers to a comment (1) | creation_date | date | down_vote_count | int (1) | owner | shallow_user (1) | post_id | int, refers to a post (1) | question_id | int, refers to a question | revision_guid | str (1) | timeline_type | one of question, answer, comment, unaccepted_answer, accepted_answer, vote_aggregate, revision, or post_state_changed | up_vote_count | int (1) | user | shallow_user (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- reputation | link | str (2) | on_date | date | post_id | int, refers to a post | post_type | one of question, or answer | reputation_change | int | title | str | user_id | int, refers to a user | vote_type | one of accepts, up_votes, down_votes, bounties_offered, bounties_won, spam, or suggested_edits ------------------------------------------------------------------------- reputation_history | creation_date | date | post_id | int, refers to a post (1) | reputation_change | int | reputation_history_type | one of asker_accepts_answer, asker_unaccept_answer, answer_accepted, answer_unaccepted, voter_downvotes, voter_undownvotes, post_downvoted, post_undownvoted, post_upvoted, post_unupvoted, suggested_edit_approval_received, post_flagged_as_spam, post_flagged_as_offensive, bounty_given, bounty_earned, bounty_cancelled, post_deleted, post_undeleted, association_bonus, arbitrary_reputation_change, vote_fraud_reversal, post_migrated, or user_deleted | user_id | int, refers to a user ------------------------------------------------------------------------- revision | body | str (2) (1) | comment | str | creation_date | date | is_rollback | bool | last_body | str (2) (1) | last_tags | array(strs) | last_title | str (1) | post_id | int, refers to a post | post_type | one of question, or answer | revision_guid | str | revision_number | int | revision_type | one of single_user, or vote_based | set_community_wiki | bool | tags | array(strs) | title | str (1) | user | shallow_user ------------------------------------------------------------------------- site | aliases | array(strs) | api_site_parameter | str | audience | str | closed_beta_date | date (1) | favicon_url | str | icon_url | str | launch_date | date | logo_url | str | markdown_extensions | array('MathJax',) | name | str | open_beta_date | date (1) | related_sites | array(related_sites) | site_state | one of normal, closed_beta, open_beta, or linked_meta | site_type | one of main_site or meta_site, but new options may be added. | site_url | str | styling | styling | twitter_account | str (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- suggested_edit | approval_date | date (1) | body | str (2) (1) | comment | str | creation_date | date | post_id | int, refers to a post | post_type | one of question, or answer | proposing_user | shallow_user (1) | rejection_date | date (1) | suggested_edit_id | int, refers to a suggested_edit | tags | array(strs) | title | str (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- tag | count | int | has_synonyms | bool | is_moderator_only | bool | is_required | bool | last_activity_date | date (1) | name | str | user_id | int, refers to a user (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- tag_score | post_count | int | score | int | user | shallow_user ------------------------------------------------------------------------- tag_synonym | applied_count | int | creation_date | date | from_tag | str | last_applied_date | date (1) | to_tag | str ------------------------------------------------------------------------- tag_wiki | body | str (2) (1) | body_last_edit_date | date (1) | excerpt | str (1) | excerpt_last_edit_date | date (1) | last_body_editor | shallow_user (1) | last_excerpt_editor | shallow_user (1) | tag_name | str ------------------------------------------------------------------------- top_tag | answer_count | int | answer_score | int | question_count | int | question_score | int | tag_name | str (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- user | about_me | str (2) (1) | accept_rate | int (1) | account_id | int | age | int (1) | answer_count | int | badge_counts | badge_count | creation_date | date | display_name | str | down_vote_count | int | is_employee | bool | last_access_date | date | last_modified_date | date (1) | link | str (2) | location | str (1) | profile_image | str (2) | question_count | int | reputation | int | reputation_change_day | int | reputation_change_month | int | reputation_change_quarter | int | reputation_change_week | int | reputation_change_year | int | timed_penalty_date | date (1) | up_vote_count | int | user_id | int, refers to a user | user_type | one of unregistered, registered, moderator, or does_not_exist | view_count | int | website_url | str (2) (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- user_timeline | badge_id | int, refers to a badge (1) | comment_id | int, refers to a comment (1) | creation_date | date | detail | str (2) (1) | link | str (2) | post_id | int, refers to a post (1) | post_type | one of question, or answer | suggested_edit_id | int, refers to a suggested_edit (1) | timeline_type | one of commented, asked, answered, badge, revision, accepted, reviewed, or suggested | title | str (1) | user_id | int, refers to a user
Member Types The following types are not returned directly by any method, but are found as members on other types.
Type | Field | Field Type -------------------+------------------------------+---------------------- badge_count | bronze | int | gold | int | silver | int ------------------------------------------------------------------------- migration_info | on_date | date | other_site | site | question_id | int, refers to a question ------------------------------------------------------------------------- related_site | api_site_parameter | str (1) | name | str | relation | one of parent, meta, or chat, but new options may be added. | site_url | str (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- shallow_user | accept_rate | int (1) | display_name | str (1) | link | str (2) (1) | profile_image | str (2) (1) | reputation | int (1) | user_id | int, refers to a user (1) | user_type | one of unregistered, registered, moderator, or does_not_exist ------------------------------------------------------------------------- styling | link_color | str | tag_background_color | str | tag_foreground_color | str -------------------------------------------------------------------------
v2.1 Specific fields
------------------------------------------------------------------------- comment | body_markdown | str ------------------------------------------------------------------------- notice | body | str (2) | creation_date | date | owner_user_id | int ------------------------------------------------------------------------- notification | body | str (2) | creation_date | date | is_unread | bool | notification_type | one of generic, profile_activity, bounty_expired, bounty_expires_in_one_day, badge_earned, bounty_expires_in_three_days, reputation_bonus, accounts_associated, new_privilege, post_migrated, moderator_message, registration_reminder, edit_suggested, or substantive_edit | post_id | int, refers to a post (1) | site | site ------------------------------------------------------------------------- question | close_vote_count | int | delete_vote_count | int | notice | notice | reopen_vote_count | int | close_vote_count | int | delete_vote_count | int | notice | notice | reopen_vote_count | int ------------------------------------------------------------------------- site | high_resolution_icon_url | str (1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- answers | tags | array(strs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- account_merge | merge_date | date | new_account_id | int | old_account_id | int ------------------------------------------------------------------------- answer | tags | array(strs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- post | link | str ------------------------------------------------------------------------- top_tag | user_id | int, refers to a user ------------------------------------------------------------------------- write_permission | can_add | bool | can_delete | bool | can_edit | bool | max_daily_actions | int | min_seconds_between_actions | int | object_type | str | user_id | int, refers to a user -------------------------------------------------------------------------
: may be absent
: unchanged in unsafe filters
: integer
: string
: boolean
: an array of x
Note: All this info has been extracted from Stack Exchange API Docs... by this script.