New version! Includes a view of the posts similar to the Stack Exchange Reputation view. Just click and drag to select a region of ansers. (Note, still kind of buggy. Doesn't seem to exactly match up with the points on the graph. Working on it.) Download it!
Screenshot / Code Snippet
I just threw this together for fun.
Rep Compare is a little app made to show that StackWrap4J actually works. And, it is really interesting to compare reputation slopes between users. Place Jon Skeet and anyone else on a graph and see how much he dominates.
I plan on adding some features to make this more similar to the Reputation tab in a user's profile.
The main feature is the ability to plot user reputation across all sites against any other user. Other features include:
- Color-coded key
- Site icons to distinguish sites
- Ability to select any range of points [soon]
- Display posts that fall in selected range [soon]
- Remove users [soon]
- Pan and Zoom graph to any scale [future]
To run, just type the following in the console:
java -jar path/to/repCompare.jar
If you run the command from the directory the jar is located, the path to the jar is simply the name of the jar file.
Since I used Joda Time and actually packaged it with the app, I figured I should use the same license.
Compiled against Java 1.6 and tested on Windows 7.
If you need to get a hold of me, just shoot me an email. jjnguy13 at gmail dot com.
The SVN repository is located on google code
It uses Joda Time to make dealing with time easiser. (duh) And StackWrap4J for the retrieving the data.
file and I know I have the Java runtime installed. How to use? I double-click the.jar
file but nothing happens.:(