The following is a 2021 update for the script. The core idea is the same to honor the original script, but there are several differences:
- Added a Del shortcut for entering delete mode
- No external dependencies used (rewritten without jQuery)
- Works with both text messages and those that contain inline code
The new version can be used directly as a snippet or a userscript and as a bookmarklet by prepending the javascript:
pseudo-protocol to the compiled code.
TypeScript source:
interface MouseEvent {
readonly target: HTMLElement | null;
((_w, d) => {
const makeReplacement = () => {
const replacer = d.createElement('i');
replacer.textContent = 'removed';
return replacer;
const initRemoving = () => {
({ target }) => {
if (!target) return;
const { classList, tagName } = target;
if (!classList.contains('content') && tagName !== 'CODE') return;
while (target.firstChild) target.firstChild.remove();
{ once: true }
d.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => {
const { ctrlKey, metaKey, shiftKey, key } = event;
if (shiftKey || ctrlKey || metaKey) return;
const shortcutMap: { [x: string]: () => void } = {
DELETE: initRemoving,
const handler = shortcutMap[key.toUpperCase()];
return handler && handler();
d.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
const { target } = event;
if (!target || !target.matches('img[src*=logo]')) return;
return initRemoving();
})(window, document);
Minified compiled JavaScript (transpiled version pending):
"use strict";(r=>{const i=()=>{r.addEventListener("click",({target:e})=>{if(e){const{classList:t,tagName:n}=e;if(t.contains("content")||"CODE"===n){for(;e.firstChild;)e.firstChild.remove();e.append((()=>{const e=r.createElement("i");return e.textContent="removed",e})())}}},{once:!0})};r.addEventListener("keyup",e=>{const{ctrlKey:t,metaKey:n,shiftKey:r,key:s}=e;if(!(r||t||n)){const c={DELETE:i}[s.toUpperCase()];return c&&c()}}),r.addEventListener("click",e=>{const{target:t}=e;if(t&&t.matches("img[src*=logo]"))return e.preventDefault(),i()})})((window,document));