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Stack Overflow Data Dump Import v.11 ClickOnce Installer: http://skysanders.net/tools/se/soddi/publish.htm (c) 2010 Sky Sanders licensed under MIT/GPL - see license.txt msi :http://skysanders.net/files/soddi.11.msi info:http://skysanders.net/tools/se bin :http://skysanders.net/files/soddi.11.zip src :http://bitbucket.org/bitpusher/soddi/ SODDI is a .NET 3.5 SP1 executable written in C# that quickly and cleanly imports Stack Overflow Data Dump XML files into [SQL Server][3] 2000/05/08, [MySQL][4] 5.1 and [SQLite][5] 3 (MySQL and SQLite drivers are included). SODDI can be run as a command line utility or, when invoked with no arguments or GUI argument, will present a [Windows Forms][6] interface. Quick Start: The quickest route to your own copy of the Stack Overflow databases is to use the ClickOnce installer, browse to the uncompressed data dump, accept the default SQLite provider selection and click 'Import'. USAGE: soddi.exe source:"" target:"" [batch:5000] [split] [indices] [fulltext] [[meta] [so] [su] [sf]] [gui] SOURCE The directory containing the individual site directories. NOTE: do not include trailing slash in quoted path as the arg parser will interpret it as an escaped quote and puke. TARGET A valid ADO.NET connection string, including the provider invariant name. Platform specific connection string details: SQL Server: the database must exist. Data will be loaded into tables segregated by schema named as the site data being imported. e.g. so.Users, meta.Users. The tables are dropped before import. MySQL: The connection string should include server, each site's data will be loaded into a database named as the site imported. The databases will be dropped and recreated before import. SQLite: The connection string should specify a directory. The data will be imported into separate .db3 files, each named as the site imported. Existing data files will be overwritten. The target database/datafile/schema names can be modified by explicitly specifying sites to import and appending the desired schema as a parameter value or editing the Sites list item schema in the GUI. -- OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS SPLIT Normalize post tags by splitting the concatenated Posts.Tags field into individual rows in a separate PostTags table. INDICES Enables useful indexes on each table. FULLTEXT Enables a full text index on Posts.Body and Posts.Title - SQL Server only. BATCH Number of rows inserted in each transaction. Default 5000. GUI Presents a Windows Forms interface. If SODDI is invoked with arguments and GUI, the UI will be populated with the supplied arguments. The console window will remain open to receive all debug and error output. META|SO|SU|SF Specifies which sites to import. If none are specified, all site directories found in SOURCE will be imported. To specify a different target name simply treat the site name as a parameter. e.g. SQL Server - SO:StackOverflowData will load the data from the XXXXX SO directory into the database specified in the connection string and the schema 'StackOverflowData' MySQL - SO:StackOverflowData will load the data from the XXXXX SO directory into a new database named StackOverflowData on the server specified in the connection string. SQLite - SO:StackOverflowData will load the data from the XXXXX SO directory into a new db3 file named StackOverflowData.db3 in the directory specified in the connection string. In GUI mode you may edit the schema item in the Sites list. Options are not case sensitive. Example command lines. GUI Mode: soddi SQLite - all sites: soddi source:"F:\Export-030110" target:"data source=c:\temp;version=3;new=True;Provider=System.Data.SQLite" MySQL - all sites: soddi source:"F:\Export-030110" target:"server=localhost;user id=root;password=p@ssW0rd;Provider=MySql.Data.MySqlClient" MySQL - Meta StackOverflow and StackOverflow data into specified databases: soddi source:"F:\Export-030110" target:"server=localhost;user id=root;password=p@ssW0rd;Provider=MySql.Data.MySqlClient" meta:MetaDb so:SoDb SQL Server - all sites: soddi source:"F:\Export-030110" target:"data source=(local);initial catalog=SOData;integrated security=true;Provider=System.Data.SqlClient" SQL Server - Stack Overflow data only (SO): soddi source:"F:\Export-030110" target:"data source=(local);initial catalog=SOData;integrated security=true;Provider=System.Data.SqlClient" so SQL Server - Stack Overflow data only into schema dbo: soddi source:"F:\Export-030110" target:"data source=(local);initial catalog=SOData;integrated security=true;Provider=System.Data.SqlClient" so:dbo SQL Server - Stack Overflow data only, split tags and add indices: soddi source:"F:\Export-030110" target:"data source=(local);initial catalog=SOData;integrated security=true;Provider=System.Data.SqlClient" so split indices The latest data dump can be found at http://blog.stackoverflow.com/category/cc-wiki-dump/ 04/01/2010 - Sky Sanders 04/09/2010 - Explicitly set platform to x86 to allow same binaries to run on x64.