The recent change to user profiles discussed in Some changes to the profile while we make it responsive has introduced some empty space. It can be seen directly in Profile page is very empty, revert to old version?. Further development on the change to reponsiveness can be seen in
This script claims the space back.
- Puts the trophies on the bottom of/badges under the page"Posts", see What is the new badge UI on the Profile page?.
- Removes the "Edit profile" quick link at the top right on own profiles, because it's on the "Settings" tab.
- Reduces the row on tags to the old 1 : 2 : 3 look.
- Adds a link to the network profile on the Community box.
- Moves meta posts to the left side column.
- Puts the meta/main link on the top bar.
It removes the background of the badge-dots (tag medals) and centers the first one on "Top tags".
Link to network profile:
Due to We’ve shipped some changes to the user profile navigationIf there's no "View all" link in the script has been redone"Communities" header, and now the top part of profiles looks like in this one:
the script will insert one:
Tag badge dots before/after as seen in dark mode:
Bring back the layout!by Oleg Valter. This script is temporarily slightly broken.- LegacyProfiles - Bringing back the old profile stats by Spectric.
Until Spectric modifiesTo avoid getting the current version of their scriptdata twice, this change needsset the variable for this script to appliedfalse:- Remove:
$(HTML).insertAfter($('#content ul:contains("Member for")').first());
- Replace it with:
$("#content .list-reset").first().append(HTML);
- To avoid getting the data twice, set the variable for this script to false:
const getCreepyData = false;
const getCreepyData = false;
- Remove: