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crossed off stuff that has been completed/fixed, added my own greasemonkey code
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Very cool stuff! I'm going to be using it personally. Thanks for the hack!

If there will be another version, here's what I hope will be in there (minor things, not really necessary):

  • Layout of + and - votes looks more like the layout of what's shown to 1000+ rep members (slight css change)Layout of + and - votes looks more like the layout of what's shown to 1000+ rep members (slight css change)
  • Making this into a Firefox plugin or a Chrome extension so it does it automatically (not sure about Firefox plugins, but with Chrome extensions, it's a piece of cake.)
  • As this uses jQuery anyway, once the function is executed, the up/down vote counts are loaded into the background and click handlers are added to the total vote counts, so that it really resembles the experience that 1000+ rep users have.

As it's under WTFPL, I'll try to implement those features myself and post my results.

Thanks again!

UPDATE: I started making a Greasemonkey version of this; here's what I have so far (I don't have too much experience with GM, so I'm not sure whether this code will work):

// ==UserScript==
// @name           SOUpDownVoteDisplay
// @namespace      stackoverflow
// @description    Uses API functions to display up and down vote tallies for questions and answers even when users have less than 1000 reputation.
// @include        http://**
// @include        http://**
// @include        http://**
// @include        http://**
// @include        http://**
// ==/UserScript==

(function(){w=function(t,q){l='_vote_count';h='up'+l;j='down'+l;k='</div>';s='<div style="color:';$(t).html(s+'green">'+(q[h]?'+':'')+q[h]+k+'<div class="vote-count-separator">'+k+s+'maroon">'+(q[j]==0?'':'-')+q[j]+k)};a='jsonp';c=' .vote-count-post';$.ajax({url:document.location.href.replace(/(http:\/\/)(.*)(\/questions\/.*)\/.*/,'$1api.$2/0.8$3'),dataType:a,jsonp:a,success:function(x){b=x.questions[0];w('#question'+c,b);$.each(b.answers,function(z,y){w('#answer-'+y.answer_id+c,y)})}})})()

    var e=document.createEvent("Event");

Very cool stuff! I'm going to be using it personally. Thanks for the hack!

If there will be another version, here's what I hope will be in there (minor things, not really necessary):

  • Layout of + and - votes looks more like the layout of what's shown to 1000+ rep members (slight css change)
  • Making this into a Firefox plugin or a Chrome extension so it does it automatically (not sure about Firefox plugins, but with Chrome extensions, it's a piece of cake.)
  • As this uses jQuery anyway, once the function is executed, the up/down vote counts are loaded into the background and click handlers are added to the total vote counts, so that it really resembles the experience that 1000+ rep users have.

As it's under WTFPL, I'll try to implement those features myself and post my results.

Thanks again!

Very cool stuff! I'm going to be using it personally. Thanks for the hack!

If there will be another version, here's what I hope will be in there (minor things, not really necessary):

  • Layout of + and - votes looks more like the layout of what's shown to 1000+ rep members (slight css change)
  • Making this into a Firefox plugin or a Chrome extension so it does it automatically (not sure about Firefox plugins, but with Chrome extensions, it's a piece of cake.)
  • As this uses jQuery anyway, once the function is executed, the up/down vote counts are loaded into the background and click handlers are added to the total vote counts, so that it really resembles the experience that 1000+ rep users have.

As it's under WTFPL, I'll try to implement those features myself and post my results.

Thanks again!

UPDATE: I started making a Greasemonkey version of this; here's what I have so far (I don't have too much experience with GM, so I'm not sure whether this code will work):

// ==UserScript==
// @name           SOUpDownVoteDisplay
// @namespace      stackoverflow
// @description    Uses API functions to display up and down vote tallies for questions and answers even when users have less than 1000 reputation.
// @include        http://**
// @include        http://**
// @include        http://**
// @include        http://**
// @include        http://**
// ==/UserScript==

(function(){w=function(t,q){l='_vote_count';h='up'+l;j='down'+l;k='</div>';s='<div style="color:';$(t).html(s+'green">'+(q[h]?'+':'')+q[h]+k+'<div class="vote-count-separator">'+k+s+'maroon">'+(q[j]==0?'':'-')+q[j]+k)};a='jsonp';c=' .vote-count-post';$.ajax({url:document.location.href.replace(/(http:\/\/)(.*)(\/questions\/.*)\/.*/,'$1api.$2/0.8$3'),dataType:a,jsonp:a,success:function(x){b=x.questions[0];w('#question'+c,b);$.each(b.answers,function(z,y){w('#answer-'+y.answer_id+c,y)})}})})()

    var e=document.createEvent("Event");
Source Link

Very cool stuff! I'm going to be using it personally. Thanks for the hack!

If there will be another version, here's what I hope will be in there (minor things, not really necessary):

  • Layout of + and - votes looks more like the layout of what's shown to 1000+ rep members (slight css change)
  • Making this into a Firefox plugin or a Chrome extension so it does it automatically (not sure about Firefox plugins, but with Chrome extensions, it's a piece of cake.)
  • As this uses jQuery anyway, once the function is executed, the up/down vote counts are loaded into the background and click handlers are added to the total vote counts, so that it really resembles the experience that 1000+ rep users have.

As it's under WTFPL, I'll try to implement those features myself and post my results.

Thanks again!