- Change the colour of the bar, and make it float at the top of the viewport or expand to the width of the screen
- Add links to the RHSright side (between your badge counts and the search box), and change their colour
- Give those links (even the default ones) little bubbles like the ones on the left-side icons, to provide notifications of things that need doing
- lots of other cool stuff that will be implemented sometime in the future
The library itselfThe library itself
Fully tested in latest Firefox (2526 at time of writing); should theoretically work on Chrome.
function with_jQuery(f) {
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.textContent = "(" + f.toString() + ")(jQuery)";
s.setAttribute('data-with-jquery', '');
with_jQuery(function($) {
= window.StackExchangeTopbarToolsPluginInit
|| []).push(function(toolsSETT) {
// Your plugin code goes here
// You can refer to the library object by the shorthand `tools``SETT`
if (typeof window.StackExchangeTopbarTools === 'object')
Yes, it's black, but it's actually 20%14% transparent black, which I consider not-black enough on most SE backgrounds.