<!-- excerpt: It's the extensible userscript for customising that almost-black bar at the top of your screen. -->

## About

Ever stared at that *almost*-black<sup>1</sup> bar at the top of the page and thought "not awesome enough"?

**Well, think no longer!** Stack Exchange Topbar Tools is a userscript that contains an extensible framework for making that *almost*-black bar *more awesome*.

With this userscript installed, you can write plugins that

* Change the colour of the bar, and make it float at the top of the viewport or expand to the width of the screen
* Add links to the RHS (between your badge counts and the search box)
* *lots of other cool stuff that will be implemented sometime in the future*

The getting-started snippet (see end of post) provides plugin initialisation that

* behaves the same way (that is, working) no matter which order things are loaded in
* and won't blow up even if you don't load the underlying library at all!  
    <sup>It still won't *work*, though; it just won't blow up.</sup>

### License

[**The MIT License**](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

Some *really* old versions used the GPL v3, but [a commenter](http://stackapps.com/users/4812/jmort253) made me realise that was not a great idea:

> Just a suggestion, you could make the license MIT or BSD, which are also commercial-friendly. Thus, the code would be open source for everyone. After all, there's nothing wrong with an individual being able to make a profit, especially if it benefits the SE users.

### Download

[**The library itself**][download-main]

Plugins maintained in the official repository:

* [Basic Config][download-basic-config]  
    Buttons to toggle whether the bar is attached to the top of, and/or spans the full width of, the viewport.
* [Meta/Main+Chat Links][download-meta-main-chat]  
    Exactly what it says on the tin. Apparently people liked those links.
* [UTC Clock][download-utc-clock]  
    Never lose track of the official SE time again!

### Platform
Fully tested in latest Firefox (25 at time of writing); should theoretically work on Chrome.

## Contact

It's just me, [@michaelb958](https://stackexchange.com/users/1048581/michaelb958?tab=accounts). You can contact me by:

* [Creating an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/michaelb958/StackExchangeTopbarTools/issues). This is the preferred mechanism for providing feedback or suggestions for the library.
* Commenting on or answering this post. Feedback or suggestions provided this way will be accepted.
* Pinging me on [chat](http://chat.stackexchange.com/). For general conversation and stuff.
* Emailing me (email address available on [my GitHub profile](https://github.com/michaelb958)). For use in case of emergency.

## Code

Written in JavaScript, with ample use of jQuery.  
[**Contribute on GitHub!**](https://github.com/michaelb958/StackExchangeTopbarTools/)

### Really basic getting-started template for writing plugins (from the readme)

<!-- language: lang-js -->

    function with_jQuery(f) {
        var s = document.createElement("script");
        s.type = "text/javascript";
        s.textContent = "(" + f.toString() + ")(jQuery)";
        s.setAttribute('data-with-jquery', '');
    with_jQuery(function($) {
      if (typeof StackExchangeTopbarToolsPluginInit === 'undefined')
        StackExchangeTopbarToolsPluginInit = [];
      StackExchangeTopbarToolsPluginInit.push(function(tools) {
        // Your plugin code goes here
        // You can refer to the library object by the shorthand `tools`
      if (typeof StackExchangeTopbarTools === 'object')

  [download-main]: https://github.com/michaelb958/StackExchangeTopbarTools/raw/master/StackExchangeTopbarTools.user.js
  [download-basic-config]: https://github.com/michaelb958/StackExchangeTopbarTools/raw/master/SETT-BasicConfig.user.js
  [download-meta-main-chat]: https://github.com/michaelb958/StackExchangeTopbarTools/raw/master/SETT-MetaMainChat.user.js
  [download-utc-clock]: https://github.com/michaelb958/StackExchangeTopbarTools/raw/master/SETT-UtcClock.user.js

<sup>`1` Yes, it's actually #212121, not #000000.</sup>