I'm looking for the best way to get a full list of every event which has caused a user's reputation to change, It could look like:
2011-01-25 14:58:27Z,10,/ajax/users/14343/rep/post/4794379/1295913600/1296000000
2011-01-25 12:24:46Z,10,/questions/1759455/how-can-i-account-for-am-or-pm-with-datetime-strptime/1759485#1759485,
After a few minutes of poking around I've discovered I could generate this data without too much trouble by iterating over the daily reputation links like:
But doing it this way is silly if this data is available elsewhere, perhaps already in jsonJSON format, and without requiring hundreds of GET requests, not that this would actually be a problem.
I don't need the exact the timestamps, just the day would suffice.
Is there an easier way to get this data?