ScreenShot1 http://www.stackinsight.com/screenshots/ss1_t.png alt text http://www.stackinsight.com/screenshots/ss2_t.png
... but why not see the live site at http://stackinsight.com
Web application to show how all a user has been involve in the different stack sites over time.
Just enter your username on the web page and you'll see a couple of views on how your interest (asking or answering a question) and authority (the communities votes on your answers) have changed over time.
Free - do what you want with it.
Modern web browser (Firefox, IE, Chrome, ...) with Flash installed.
Feel free to post suggestions and feedback for me here.
JavaScript, JQuery, Drastic Data Tree Map, Google Motion Chart
Just 'view source' to see the JavaScript. It's all in the single stack.js file.
- v1.0 (9th July)
- Moved to version 1.0 of the API
- Moved to http://stackinsight.com
- v0.6 (7th July)
- Loading of all pages of questions and answers if the user has more than 30 of each (this can be slow if you have 1000s). Suggestions welcome for how I can speed this up.
- Prettier accounts table with loading status built in.
- v0.5 (1st July) Fixed issues when looking up more than one user without reloading the page
- v0.4 (29th June) Fixed issue picking top tags in IE and Chrome. Less 'other', more good stuff!
- v0.3 (27th June)
- Smarter lookup of users across sites.
- Case insensitive user lookup (thanks to farseeker for the report)
- v0.2 (26th June) - Update for API 0.9
- v0.1 (24th June) - Initial release