Growl notification (Mac screenshot but Windows also supported)
screenshot http://imgur.com/vx4uy.png
Terminal output
$ perl SENotify.pl -s stackoverflow -r 60 1 question found at : Mon Jun 21 02:39:14 2010 (v:1|a:1) When to Normalize a Vector? [c#] [game-development] [xna] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3081536 2 question found at : Mon Jun 21 02:40:15 2010 (v:2|a:0) Spring: Okay to have two contexts - web & backend? [java] [spring] [integration] [webapp] [backend] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3081538 (v:0|a:0) How can I make a variable of the same type as another using templates? [c++] [templates] [variables] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3081537 1 question found at : Mon Jun 21 02:41:16 2010 (v:1|a:0) Why is my operator<< overloading not working? [c++] [operators] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3081539
This perl script will notify of new question added to one of the StackExchange website (serverfault, stackoverflow, superuser, etc.)
It's useful to track new question, shell output and Growl notification (on mac and windows) are supported
Latest source is available here : http://code.google.com/p/senotify/source/browse/trunk/SENotify.pl Website is here : http://code.google.com/p/senotify/
This is a Perl script, any platform running perl can run it
Current version is 0.2
Change in v0.2 are:
- Add proxy support
- Add Windows growl support
- Use API Key
- Provide logo and suppress --image option
- Add question URL to terminal output
- Better query to API
- Show number of new question in terminal output
- Add view count to output
- Support multiple --site argument to monitor many site at once
- Support tag exclusion with --excludetag
Author is Jean-Edouard Babin can be contacted at jeb in jeb.com.fr
Code is written in Perl and is available here, you can contribute by sending patch to jeb in jeb.com.fr