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Stackie - A Stack Exchange client for the Universal Windows Platform


Browse your favorite questions and answers on the myriad of topics across the entire Stack Exchange network with Stackie - a Stack Exchange client for the Universal Windows Platform.

  • A beautifully crafted User Interface that is harmonious with the design language of the Universal Windows Platform.
  • Syntax highlighted code and perfectly formatted math for websites such as Stack Overflow and Math Overflow.


Site Overview


is available for download on the Universal Windows Platform, on desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile devices, via the Windows Store

System Requirements

  1. Windows 10, Build 10586 or higher.
  2. A minimum of 1 GB of internal memory *.

* : Stackie utilizes a WebView component of the Universal Windows Platform which consumes an unnecessarily large amount of system memory, for which there currently is no workaround without compromising functionality.


All e-mails related to Stackie should be sent to [email protected] . If your e-mail fits the purpose / category listed below, use the respective subject to ensure it gets handled appripriately.

  • Support: [Stackie - Support]
  • Bugs/Errors: [Stackie - Exception Report]

License & Code

Stackie is currently closed source, however this could (and most probably will) change in the future.

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