If you've created an application using the Stack Exchange API, that's fantastic!
Now create a question tagged [app] to let the world know about it.
All questions tagged [app] should follow this rough template. Just copy and paste it into your question to provide a skeleton to work with.
##Screenshot Insert a reasonably sized screenshot of your app here, so we can get a quick look at it and an idea how it works. (We recommend imgur.com or imageshack.us as image hosts.) ##About Tell us about your app. Why did you create it? Who is it for? How does it work? What problem does it solve? ###License What license is your application released under, if any? Or if it is a paid app, how much does it cost and how do we buy it? ###Download Provide links for us to obtain your app. ###Platform What platform is your app for? Android? PC? Mac? Apple Newton? ##Contact Who created this app? Who are the key contributors? How do we get in touch with them or find them? ##Code What language, frameworks, and tools were used to write this app? Where can we get the code? How can we contribute to the code?
You can see our example of this template in action at The World’s Worst StackOverflow Clone