This is a userscript (for GreaseMonkey, TamperMonkey, etc.) for sorting answers to posts randomly, like so:
This feature was requested in connection with the Stack Overflow Fall 2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire.
To install the script, just click here. You can also view the source (a github gist) and install by clicking the "Raw" button.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Stack Overflow Random Answer Sort Tab
// @namespace
// @version 0.1.0
// @description Add a "random" tab for sorting Stack Overflow answers
// @author Ed Cottrell
// @license MIT
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @match *://*
// @match *://**
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// set up some variables
var $answers = jQuery('div.answer'),
newOrder = [],
randomWeights = {},
relativeUrl = window.location.href.replace(/^.+\/\/.+?\//, '\/'),
selectedTab = window.location.href.replace(/.+?answertab=([^&#]+).*/, '$1'),
tabUrl = relativeUrl.replace(/([?&]answertab=)[^&#]+/, '$1random')
// add a random sort tab
jQuery('#tabs a[data-value="oldest"]').after('<a href="' + tabUrl + '" title="Random" data-value="random" data-nav-xhref="">random</a>');
if (selectedTab === 'random') {
// fix the tab highlighting
// give each answer a random "weight" for sorting
$answers.each(function (x) {
randomWeights[$(this).prop('id').replace(/answer-/, '')] = Math.random();
// sort the ids by weight
for (prop in randomWeights) {
function(a,b) {
return randomWeights[a] > randomWeights[b] ? 1 : (randomWeights[a] == randomWeights[b] ? 0 : -1);
// remove the anchor tags and answers and append them in the right order
for (arrayIndex = 0; arrayIndex < newOrder.length; arrayIndex++) {
$('a[name=' + newOrder[arrayIndex] + ']')
$('div#answer-' + newOrder[arrayIndex])
// reset locations of the non-answer elements of the #answers div
$('#answers a[name="new-answer"]')
$('#answers .bottom-notice')
Caution: This is poorly (barely) tested and may melt your browser or make kittens cry. More likely, it will just slightly slow down SE-network sites, but I make no promises.
Any feedback would be appreciated!