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VoteCounts: bookmarklet to display up/down votes even for rep less than 1000

##Screenshot / Code Snippet


This small bookmarklet will allow anyone to use the "vulnerability" of the API that it allows you to check the up/down vote count - a feat you could normally achieve by being a 1k+rep user. Mainly useful for sites where you don't have this amount of reputation points, but want to check the stats of the more controversial questions (usually on Meta Stack Overflow).

No API key is actually used here, but it's trivial to add one.


I don't think a code like this deserves anything other than WTFPL.


It's the following line (JavaScript - 388 bytes).

javascript:(function(){a='jsonp';c=' .vote-count-post';d='up_vote_count';e='down_vote_count';$.ajax({url:document.location.href.replace(/(http:\/\/)(.*)(\/questions\/.*)\/.*/,'$1api.$2/1.0$3?answers=true'),dataType:a,jsonp:a,success:function(x){b=x.questions[0];$('#question'+c).html(b[d]+"-"+b[e]);$.each(b.answers,function(z,y){$('#answer-'+y.answer_id+c).html(y[d]+"-"+y[e])})}})})()

EDIT: This is longer, but it will make the result look exactly like on Stack Overflow. 521 characters, so it might not work with Internet Explorer.

javascript:(function(){w=function(t,q){l='_vote_count';h='up'+l;j='down'+l;k='</div>';s='<div style="color:';$(t).html(s+'green">'+(q[h]?'+':'')+q[h]+k+'<div class="vote-count-separator">'+k+s+'maroon">'+(q[j]==0?'':'-')+q[j]+k)};a='jsonp';c=' .vote-count-post';$.ajax({url:document.location.href.replace(/(http:\/\/)(.*)(\/questions\/.*)\/.*/,'$1api.$2/1.0$3?answers=true'),dataType:a,jsonp:a,success:function(x){b=x.questions[0];w('#question'+c,b);$.each(b.answers,function(z,y){w('#answer-'+y.answer_id+c,y)})}})})()

Here is another one you can use on the frontpage:

javascript:(function(){w=function(t,q){l='_vote_count';h='up'+l;j='down'+l;k='</div>';s='<div style="color:';$(t).html('<div class=".mini-counts">'+s+'green">'+(q[h]?'+':'')+q[h]+k+s+'maroon">'+(q[j]==0?'':'-')+q[j]+k+k)};a='jsonp';c=' .votes';$.ajax(  {url:document.location.href.replace(/(http:\/\/)([^\/]*)/,'$1api.$2/1.0/questions'),dataType:a,jsonp:a,success:function(x){$.each(x.questions,function(z,b){w('#question-summary-'+b.question_id+c,b);})}})})()


For any jQuery/bookmarklets compatible browser. Tested with Chrome, Firefox 3.6 and Internet Explorer 8 for Super User, Stack Overflow, and Meta Stack Overflow.



It was written in Notepad already in minified form, and I used Firebug to debug. Code is above. Contribute (=decrease code size or make the output nicer) any way you want. It would be great if you'd make the second code shorter than 508 bytes.

##Known bugs

  • If a question has more than 30 answers then some of the answers won't be resolved. This can be solved easily for less than 100 answers, but for questions with more than 100 answers this is more difficult

EDIT: updated to API version 1.0.

  • 713
  • 3
  • 11