Replaces the original URL shown by the share
link dialog, converting http://share-url
to [question-title](http://share-url)
// ==UserScript==
// @name (SE) Markdown on Share links
// @description Changes the share links on Q&As to [question-title](http://post-link)
// @namespace
// @version 1.0
// @license MIT
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var start_up = function( $ ) {
// Run only on individual posts
if( ( StackExchange.options.routeName.indexOf('Questions/Show') === -1 ) )
* Escapes brackets on string
var escapeString =function( str ) {
return str.replace(/\[/g, "\\[").replace(/\]/g, "\\]")
* Removes meta content from title and escapes brackets
* A title like "Burninate [tag-name] [closed]" will become "Burninate \[always-check-your-errors\]"
var cleanTitle = function( str ) {
var look = [ ' [closed]', ' [duplicate]', ' [on hold]', ' [migrated]', ' [fechado]', ' [duplicado]', ' [suspensa]', ' [migrado]' ];
for (var j=0; j<look.length; j++) {
if (str.indexOf(look[j]) > -1 ) {
var replace = str.replace(look[j], '');
return escapeString(replace);
return escapeString(str);
* Replaces the share URL by a markdown link
var changeShareLink = function( $this ) {
$input = $this.find('.share-tip input:first');
$url = $input.val();
$title = $('#question-header h1 a').text();
$title = cleanTitle($title);
$output = '[' + $title + '](' + $url + ')';
$input.val( $output ).select();
$(".post-menu a.short-link").on("click", function(t) {
$this = $(this).parent();
setTimeout( function(){ changeShareLink( $this ); }, 250 );
function with_jquery( f ) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.textContent = "(" + f.toString() + ")(jQuery)";
with_jquery( start_up );