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API v2.1 supports write access, but is anyone using it?

At the weekend I attended NHS hackday where were trying to solve a problem one of the junior doctors brought. We hacked together a stack exchange alternative for medical doctors to ask questions.

The most obvious thought was to just set up a medical stack exchange but one of the key components of the problems was that asking a question should be very easy - a user should be able to do it from their phone. And so we quickly decided we would need something with a little bit extra than stack exchange.

In the end we didn't have enough time or digital ducktape to connect our alternative to a mobile phone.

On my more in depth searching this morning I see that API v2.1 does actually support writing of comments but I can't find many apps actually using it. Could anyone provide me with some examples? Am I correct in thinking that only comments can be written and not questions?