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allow for https replacing `:` with `*` - hopefuly it will be good now
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Here's a small and simpler updated fork. It adds only the timeline link:

// ==UserScript==
// @name          Stack Exchange Timeline Link
// @namespace     stackoverflow
// @description   Add a 'timeline' link to Stack Exchange / Stack Overflow posts - based on
// @include       http*//**
// @include       http*//**
// @include       http*//**
// @include       http*//**
// @include       http*//**
// @include       http*//**
// @include       http*//**
// @include       http*//**
// @include       http*//**
// @include       http*//**
// @exclude       http*//chat**
// @exclude       http*//chat**
// @exclude       http*//api**
// @exclude       http*//data**
// @exclude       */reputation
// @grant         none
// ==/UserScript==
    var start=function(){
            id = $(this).find("a.short-link")[0].href.replace(/^.*\/a\//, "").replace(/\/\d+(?:#.*)?$/, "").replace(/\D+/, "");
            rlink = $("<span class='lsep'>|</span><a href='/posts/"+id+"/timeline'>timeline</a>");

    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.type = "text/javascript";
    script.textContent = "(" + start + ")();";
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