The Sales Pitch
This userscript enhances the suggested edit queue to remove the usability annoyances we all know and love hate.
- Suggested Edits will not jump to the top when casting the deciding vote. They fade out instead.
- Suggested Edits you've already voted on are hidden on successive page loads.
- Adds an "Ignore" option to an suggested edit. Suggestions you've ignored are hidden on successive page loads.
- Additions and deletions in a title are mangled together and are hard to understand. They're shown side by side.
Added bonus:
- Suggested Edits which have already been voted on by another user are automatically listed first
- Auto-updater built in, so you'll get new features automatically
- Individual features can be toggled on and off via preferences shown at the bottom of the edit queue.
Click here to download and install
Source Code
The source code is available on Github. Fork, submit issues and add pull requests as much as you want.
Released under the MIT license, so do whatever you want with it.
- Allow clearing of Ignored edits
Created by me, Matt Lunn. Contact me via [email protected] (although I can't see why you'd want do ;)).