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Brock Adams
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Elections Statistics page for Stack Exchange sites

The Stack Exchange Elections Statistics Page is a simple single-page website that displays information on election candidates participating in the Stack Exchange 2011 Moderator Elections. It pulls together information normally found in each candidate's profile as well as their Meta and SE-wide participation information into one single handy site, presenting the information neatly and efficiently, allowing you, the voter, to make the most informed decision possible.


  • All the information you can usually find on a user's profile, like reputation, badges, age, location etc. pulled into a single central location for easy comparison
  • Statistics on Meta and SE network wide activities
  • Customisable checklist of interesting or noteworthy badges to watch for for each candidate
  • Active tags and tag badges related to them
  • Ability to add arbitrary users to the lineup, for comparison with the candidates

And much, much more.

Where can I get it?


Community members have also been going round posting links to this on each of the site's Meta, so watch out for those too.

Browser support

Should work reasonably well on all modern browsers (IE. not Internet Explorer, though you're welcome to try).


Please post bug reports and feature requests (more suggestions on what stats to display always welcome!) here. You can usually find me in the Meta Tavern if you want to talk. The idea was brought up originally by Benjol on Meta Stack Exchange.


This page is written entirely with front-end web development technology. jQuery is the backbone, and the jQuery template plugin is used extensively. Snippets from James Padolsey are used for sorting stuff, and timeago is used for relative time.

The code is on GitHub at tms/stack-election

Yi Jiang
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