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Matt S.
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[app and library] StackTop, MSOEngine

This will be split into 2 parts.


Stacktop is my Mac client (I'm boycotting iPhone dev. for a while due to numerous reasons). It is currently in private beta, with a really crappy set of beta testers. I plan on releasing a public beta in a week or so, I'm currently rewriting MSOEngine to be more efficient.

Here are some screenshots of the latest build: alt text alt text alt text alt text

This application will at first be much like a twitter client, then eventually I hope to make it more like an auto-search app where you input keywords then every 10 minutes or so it'll search SO and tell you if there are any questions that haven't been answered that are about whatever your tags are. Hopefully this will allow SO users to gain more rep and kick Jon Skeet out of #1 (Love you Jon!!!)

This will be released for free.

You can download it here

Note: this version still thinks the API # is 0.7 I hope to release an updated version tonight.

This will be for Mac ONLY

This was written entirely in Objective-C with the help of my Library


Basically MSOEngine (Matt's Stack Overflow Engine) is an Objective-C library that communicates with SO. The public version basically sucks, it has NO memory management, and is very inefficient. I am currently doing a complete rewrite of it, which I will push up to github once I finish it up and I'm satisfied with it.

I currently (stupidly) don't have a license attached to it. That's coming with the next, rewritten version.

You can find (the crappy version) here with a new version that doesn't suck coming soon (I hope).

This is currently only for OSX, but it's extremely easy to get it working with the iPhone, native iPhone support coming in the next version that doesn't suck.

I have written both of these in my spare time while I'm not studying for finals/AP exams (I'm in high school /listens to heads exploding)


You can contact me at matt (at) mattsapps (dot) com

Matt S.
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