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Dave DeLong
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#StackKit (Objective-C)

Objective-C can be a pretty verbose language, especially with how I've chosen to implement the API. That being said, here's how StackKit does this:

SKSite * site = [SKSite stackAppsSite];

//begin building our request for all questions  
SKFetchRequest * request = [[SKFetchRequest alloc] init];
[request setEntity:[SKQuestion class]];

//this will hold how the favorited counts for a user
NSCountedSet * counts = [NSCountedSet set];

NSUInteger count = NSUIntegerMax;
//retrieve all the questions
for (NSUInteger offset = 0; offset < count; offset += 100) {
    //starting from the appropriate offset (page)
    [request setFetchOffset:offset];
    NSError * error = nil;
    NSArray * matches = [site executeSynchronousFetchRequest:request error:&error];

    //loop through all the questions and record how many times they've been favorited
    for (SKQuestion * question in matches) {
        NSUInteger count = [[question favoriteCount] unsignedIntegerValue];
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { [counts addObject:[question ownerID]]; }
    if (count == NSUIntegerMax) {
        count = [[request fetchTotal] unsignedIntegerValue];
[request release];

//turn the counted set into a dictionary (so we can sort it)
NSMutableArray * favoriteCounts = [NSMutableArray array];
for (id user in counts) {
    [favoriteCounts addObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                               user, @"user",
                               [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:[counts countForObject:user]], @"count",
//sort the dictionary by the count, descending
[favoriteCounts sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"count" ascending:NO] autorelease]]];

//create a request to fetch all the user objects
request = [[SKFetchRequest alloc] init];
[request setEntity:[SKUser class]];
[request setPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K = %@", SKUserID, [favoriteCounts valueForKey:@"user"]]];

NSArray * users = [site executeSynchronousFetchRequest:request error:nil];
[request release];

//build a userID => user map
NSDictionary * userMapping = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:users forKeys:[users valueForKey:SKUserID]];

//print out the favorited count and username
for (NSDictionary * top in favoriteCounts) {
    SKUser * user = [userMapping objectForKey:[top objectForKey:@"user"]];
    NSLog(@"%2d - %@ [%@]", [[top objectForKey:@"count"] unsignedIntegerValue], [user displayName], [user userID]);


101 - Kevin Montrose [2]
88 - George Edison [18]
86 - code poet [14]
29 - Soviut [825]
28 - lfoust [11]
22 - Adam Wright [5]
22 - systempuntoout [51]
21 - S.Mark [40]
20 - Felix [956]
17 - Farseeker [816]
16 - Dave DeLong [448]
11 - Dave Swersky [29]
10 - Bill the Lizard [9]
 9 - Franci Penov [13]
 9 - Matt S. [30]
 8 - Jeff Atwood [4]
 8 - Edan Maor [1241]
 7 - carson [33]
 7 - swanson [839]
 7 - Jedi Master Spooky [192]
 7 - nabeelmukhtar [1026]
 7 - Shay Erlichmen [614]
 7 - codeka [1290]
 6 - Kyle Cronin [42]
 6 - Jason [19]
 6 - Joel Potter [8]
 6 - Catchwa [700]
 6 - Thomas McDonald [1031]
 6 - Lucas Jones [570]
 6 - Steffen Opel [377]
 5 - SztupY [1265]
 5 - TheHurt [17]
 5 - ColinD [222]
 5 - Ricky [199]
 5 - Jonathan [938]
 5 - conmulligan [449]
 5 - Mark Rushakoff [1048]
 4 - chenyuejie [2292]
 4 - Koning Baard [451]
 4 - jjnguy [39]
 4 - Adam [1395]
 3 - Martin Plante [28]
 3 - Riduidel [2192]
 3 - Yacoby [1049]
 3 - InfinitiesLoop [1394]
 3 - Igor Zevaka [113]
 3 - phsr [693]
 3 - Robert Munteanu [358]
 3 - blork [1849]
 3 - Nick Presta [186]
 3 - johnwards [638]
 2 - John Bristowe [70]
 2 - eWolf [664]
 2 - Soldier.moth [91]
 2 - James A. Rosen [140]
 2 - Nippysaurus [1221]
 2 - Ryan Brunner [1263]
 2 - Dennis Williamson [171]
 2 - adrianbanks [127]
 2 - radius [295]
 2 - Kevin [2296]
 2 - tonklon [2734]
 2 - Peter Mortensen [151]
 2 - Josh Kelley [2287]
 2 - Mark Hurd [44]
 2 - RichH [757]
 1 - iconiK [375]
 1 - Peter Mourfield [424]
 1 - Robert Cartaino [431]
 1 - Joe [2418]
 1 - pufferfish [1689]
 1 - mlaw [2467]
 1 - Nicolas Raoul [2679]
 1 - Artefacto [1179]
 1 - jmoy [1978]
 1 - Shane [1270]
 1 - Matthew Pelser [138]
 1 - Charles Stewart [2083]
 1 - coobird [525]
 1 - Nathan Voxland [2442]
 1 - Michael B. [234]
 1 - Robert Love [1578]
 1 - balpha [43]
 1 - Matt Culbreth [2829]
 1 - voyager [20]
 1 - Lucas McCoy [239]
 1 - Alexandre Rafalovitch [2883]
 1 - Ngu Soon Hui [216]
 1 - Frank Krueger [2203]
 1 - svick [505]
 1 - Fernando [1856]
 1 - tsudot [2662]
 1 - Chacha102 [23]
 1 - Nathan Reed [680]

Calls made:<key>&pagesize=100&page=1<key>&pagesize=100&page=2<key>&pagesize=100&page=3<key>&pagesize=100&page=4<key>&pagesize=100&page=5<key>&pagesize=100&page=6;18;14;825;11;5;51;40;956;816;448;29;9;13;30;4;1241;33;839;192;1026;614;1290;42;19;8;700;1031;570;377;1265;17;222;199;938;449;1048;2292;451;39;1395;28;2192;1049;1394;113;693;358;1849;186;638;70;664;91;140;1221;1263;171;127;295;2296;2734;151;2287;44;757;375;424;431;2418;1689;2467;2679;1179;1978;1270;138;2083;525;2442;234;1578;43;2829;20;239;2883;216;2203;505;1856;2662;23;680?key=<key>&page=1&pagesize=100
Dave DeLong
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