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Calling SE APIs with Nushell (basic overview)

While I still prefer a more "traditional" shell for day-to-day use, I'm finding Nushell's structured data capabilities to be a fantastic companion to the SE API (among others). It's been months since I've used jq for processing JSON REST results.

Starting with a simple example:

# Get the last 100 questions posted on Stack Overflow
> let res = (http get "")
# Will error if you are out of quota - Append a key param if needed

> $res.items.title | first 5
│ 0 │ Same Framework for multiple target and different destinations                 │
│ 1 │ Unable to control full screen menu bar visibility on MacOS using CLI defaults │
│ 2 │ How should MqttClient lifecycle be managed?                                   │
│ 3 │ Auth0 External Provider                                                       │
│ 4 │ Passing a function to a react-router action in TypeScript?                    │

> $res.quota_remaining

> $res
# Will print the data (truncate based on screen width) in a table format

> $res | explore
# Will enter a data explorer view where you can scroll and drill down into data
# For example, select the "items" column and hit <Enter> to drill down to the questions themselves

# What key/value pairs (columns) are available in the result?
> $res | columns
│ 0 │ items           │
│ 1 │ has_more        │
│ 2 │ quota_max       │
│ 3 │ quota_remaining │

# What key/value pairs (columns) are available for items?
> $res.items | columns
│  0 │ tags                  │
│  1 │ owner                 │
│  2 │ post_state            │
│  3 │ is_answered           │
│  4 │ view_count            │
│  5 │ answer_count          │
│  6 │ score                 │
│  7 │ last_activity_date    │
│  8 │ creation_date         │
│  9 │ question_id           │
│ 10 │ content_license       │
│ 11 │ link                  │
│ 12 │ title                 │
│ 13 │ posted_by_collectives │
│ 14 │ closed_date           │
│ 15 │ closed_reason         │
│ 16 │ last_edit_date        │
│ 17 │ accepted_answer_id    │

# Which questions were about Python?
> $res.items | filter {|question| "python" in $question.tags} |  select title link
│ # │                                title                                 │                                                       link                                                       │
│ 0 │ Python Mypy fails on Decorator                                       │                                      │
│ 1 │ How do I find the key with the highest value in a python dictionary? │ │
│ 2 │ How to insert a Python script into a website with DJango?            │            │
│ 3 │ Beautifulsoup append ignores namespace (xml)                         │                          │
│ 4 │ Http api not giving updated response                                 │                                │
│ 5 │ What type hint should I use to specify a set of functions            │           │
│ 6 │ can someone explain this append() part of a for loop?                │                  │
│ 7 │ How to make it faster?                                               │                                               │
│ 8 │ Changing Pandas Period to another frequency                          │                         │
│ 9 │ PFX certificate with Selenium with python                            │                           │

For comparison, some Bash/curl/jq equivalents:

> res=`curl -o - "" | gunzip`

> echo $res | jq '.items[0:5][].title'
"Strange data prepending incoming WebSocket data. What is the cause?"
"Why does nothing happen when i try to multiple two variables?"
"How can I test functions that node-redis using vitest?"
"Create a Piece-Wise Regression in ggplot2 (R) with multiple &#39;knots&#39;"
"feeding continuous stdin using bash script"

> echo $res | jq '.quota_remaining'

> echo $res | jq 'keys'

# Note that this is slightly different from Nushell, in that Nushell will show *all*
# columns from all results, whereas this will only show the keys from the first result
> echo $res | jq '.items[0] | keys'

# Which questions were about Python?
> echo $res | jq -r '.items[] | select(.tags[] | contains ("python")) | .title, .link'
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