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Bypass character limits in comments

Screenshot About Complaints on meta were raised about the threshold of 15 chars for comments, and even though many people agree that it shouldn't be there, this request was status-declined. Using ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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Get Token button in "Try it" doesn't give me a key in IE11

When I visit for example the timeline docs to try that api I need to get a token first by clicking 'Get Token'. In IE11 (win 7/x64) this is broken. A window does pop-up but there is never a key ...
rene's user avatar
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Allow convert-to-comment without confirmation and even if there are comments

This userscript allows moderators to use the "convert to comment" button even if the answer has comments. It also removes the annoying confirm() prompt when converting an answer to a comment....
ThiefMaster's user avatar
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There is a typo in the authentication documentation

There is a typo on this documentation page. It says "The explcit OAuth 2.0 flow" but it should say "The explicit OAuth 2.0 flow".
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Runtime error getting thrown with certain parameters on older 1.1 methods

This v1.1 URL is creating a runtime error: Example output:
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Please supply working example URLs for each route

It would take a lot of the guess work out of understanding the API if each route's page provided a small handful of working URLs. This would also serve to provide authoritative examples of the ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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help page format issue: missing parameter

/users/{id}/tags is missing id parameter fixing this will remove one more special case from my parser.
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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Are the "body", "comments" and "answers" parameters supported in the API version 2.x?

Earlier with version 1.x, the parameters: body, comments and answers etc. were available. But these don't seem to be supported with API version 2.x. Are these parameters not supported in new API? Are ...
Sanjiv's user avatar
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Ajax get questions by tags ERROR

i'm trying getting questions by tags. this is my simple code and i'm running this from my http://localhost: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ $.ajax({ url:'http://api....
Filippo oretti's user avatar
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Getting 405 when trying to post a comment

I'm trying to post a comment to The API Sandbox, I did one using the interactive documentation, but when trying to use my own code, it doesn't work. Instead, I get status code 405 (Method not allowed) ...
MrMythical's user avatar
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API v2.1 supports write access, but is anyone using it?

Over the weekend, I attended an NHS "Hackday" where we tried to solve a problem one of the junior doctors brought. We hacked together a stack exchange alternative for medical doctors to ask questions. ...
JonJ's user avatar
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Support for OR constraint when querying questions based on tags [duplicate]

Right now, there is no way (as far as I know) to query for questions based on multiple tags using an OR constraint. You can query for questions tagged with multiple of these tags, but not with one or ...
tolgap's user avatar
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Make API query to only one Stack Exchange site

Is there a way to limit a /search or a /similar query to a specific site or sites?
swasheck's user avatar
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API console always queries Stack Overflow

On any Stack Exchange site (well, I tried Super User (trilogy), Unix (SE-2.0 launched) and SFF (SE-2.0 beta)), the console (“Show Console” button) in the 1.1 API queries
Gilles 'SO- stop being evil''s user avatar
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/questions/tagged/{tags} - tags param clarification

This API method has been removed as of Jul 16 '10. The original question is preserved below for posterity. It is not clear what a "list" of {tags} looks like. Does this parameter follow the ...
Sky Sanders's user avatar
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questions/{id}/timeline documentation: timeline_type values not listed

The timeline_type for post timelines just says "string" for the "values". From a cursory look at a few questions, I've seen the following types of events: question answer comment revision votes The ...
ColinD's user avatar
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"error_id":500,"error_message":"this error has been logged","error_name":"internal_error"

I developed an application, user can give vote down or up to question or comments but when I send the request to the API of the stackexchenge the response it is not true and this back to me error ...
hesam's user avatar
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