I wanted to make unlimited call to the API to retrieve/update the threads. Is there any way to do so?

I understand "Without a key you can make 300 requests per day, with a key you can make 10,000 requests per day With an access token, the 10,000 request limit is just for the app for that user. * Without an access token, the 10,000 request limit is shared between apps on the IP Address."

Is there any exception on top of this?

Do you have Rest API which can be consumed in our application?

  • See "How API Keys Work". If you have a legitimate need for more than 10K calls, you may contact Stack Exchange and get an increase. Commented May 8, 2015 at 11:39
  • Question 1 - Based on the details in the given link " If you can demonstrate a need for a higher request quota, contact us.". Please suggest whom to contact for the same purpose. Question 2 - Do you have Rest API which can be consumed in our application?
    – Nita
    Commented May 12, 2015 at 13:17


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