I'm testing curious usernames and I am searching their user_id by:


I'm trying to get information about this particular user:


http://api.stackoverflow.com/0.8/users/?filter=unutbu returns nothing.

I know this is a corner case; the only thing I found is the Meta Stack Overflow post A last tribute to the Tilde although I'm not sure if it is related to the same problem.


2 Answers 2


From Jeff's answer to the deleted question* linked to from the question you link to:

Your name is inferred from your openid until you specify a display name. You have no display name specified.

Thus your inferred username is ...


... because it's based on your openid URL. It's not an actual, valid display name.

If you check unutbu's page there's no name specified.

* visible only to 10K+ meta users.


Here's Jeff's answer to a question that hasn't been deleted.

These users don't actually have names; we're synthesizing a fake name based on their OpenID string.


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