#include "stackchat/StackChat.hpp"
#include "stackchat/chat/ChatEvent.hpp"
#include "stackchat/chat/Command.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// This is not the only way to define a command, for the record. Utility classes exist (or will be added when necessary),
// but the goal is to be as flexible as possible.
// The system does take a heavy OOP approach, largely to allow for context-based commands. I also like OOP, so that's part of it.
// Plus, it comes with the advantage of allowing stuff like MultiLevelCommand, used in a different demo.
class InterjectCommand : public stackchat::Command {
void onMessage(stackchat::Room& r, const stackchat::ChatEvent& ev, const std::vector<std::string>&) {
r.reply(ev, "I'd like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as chat login is, in fact, an eternal source of pain and suffering.");
int main() {
// This isn't a fantastic way to get the credentials, but it is an option. There are other options as well,
// this is just the laziest approach I can think of.
std::string email = std::getenv("STACK_EMAIL"), password = std::getenv("STACK_PASSWORD");
if (email == "" || password == "") {
// This is deceptively useless; missing credentials actually results in an initialisation exception (something something null string)
throw std::runtime_error("Please provide credentials to run the demo.");
stackchat::StackChat chat({
.email = email,
.password = password,
.prefix = "~", // Required for command functionality. Defaults to nothing, which will disable commands
.userAgent = "StackChatCppDemos/git (+https://github.com/LunarWatcher/stackchat.cpp)",
chat.registerCommand("interject", [](stackchatstd::Room&make_shared<InterjectCommand>());
r, const stackchat::ChatEvent& ev,// constThere std::string&)are {
many ways to deal with chat joining, as r.sendMessage("I'dwell likeas toannouncements interjectand forconfig, abut moment.this Whatis you'releft referringas toan asexercise chatto loginthe isreader, inbecause factthere
// are very, anvery eternalmany sourceways ofto painimplement andit, suffering.");
depending on what the });
bot is used for.
chat.join(stackchat::StackSite::STACKOVERFLOW, 1);
// As an aside, this isn't really the only way to do join announcements.
// It would be possible to hook up a join listener, and check if the bot triggered the event.
chat.sendTo(stackchat::StackSite::STACKOVERFLOW, 1, "Chat login is horrible. *angry fox noises*");
// Only required for chatbot-first applications.
// The main thread can, after this, be used for something completely different, such as API access.
// You can also make your own sleep system. This function is just provided as a convenience
Gemmy [bot]: Chat login is horrible. angry fox noises
Zoe [me]: ~interject
Gemmy [bot]: [:reply] I'd like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as chat login is, in fact, an eternal source of pain and suffering.