Latest version: 1.12.0
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
-a, --about Long project description [string]
--cr, --chrome Last tested Chrome version [string]
-d, --direct Send output to process.stdout (CLI-only)
[boolean] [default: false]
-e, --excerpt Short project description [string]
--ed, --edge Last tested Edge version [string]
--ie, --explorer Last tested Internet Explorer version [string]
--ff, --firefox Last tested Firefox version [string]
--iu, --install Project installation URL [string] [required]
-l, --language Programming languages used (repeatable) [array]
--mu, --minified Minified version installation URL [string]
-o, --output Output file path (CLI-only)
[string] [default: "./"]
--on, --org-name GitHub organization name [string]
--op, --opera Last tested Opera version [string]
--ou, --org-url GitHub organization URL [string]
-p, --package Path to project's package.json
[string] [default: "./package.json"]
-r, --room Chat room URL [string]
--sa, --screenshot-alt Project screenshot alt text [string]
--su, --screenshot-url Project screenshot URL [string]
--tg, --tag StackApps post tag (repeatable)
[array] [default: ["script"]]
--tl, --title StackApps post title [string]
--th, --thumbnail StackApps post thumbnail [string]
--ww, --works-with Supported userscript manager (repeatable)
[array] [choices: "greasemonkey", "tampermonkey", "violentmonkey"]