##Obsolete - designed for a decommissioned version of the API and most of the links, below, are dead.
Obsolete - designed for a decommissioned version of the API and most of the links, below, are dead.
##Screenshot / Code Snippet
Screenshot / Code Snippet
Here is a simple example that fetches stats on Stack Overflow:
import com.actionstack.ActionStack;
import com.actionstack.QueryCompleteEvent;
var actionStack:ActionStack = new ActionStack("stackoverflow",
private function ProcessResults(event:QueryCompleteEvent):void
var data:Object = event.GetValue();
var stats:Object = data["statistics"];
stats = stats[0];
// You can now access the data in stats
// like stats["total_questions"]
ActionStack is an ActionScript 3 wrapper for the StackOverflow API. ActionStack fully supports all API methods, including StackAuth methods. Although there is no documentation for ActionStack at the moment, the examples above and in the repository should clear up any confusion.
Dead link:
Stats example: http://stackoverflow.quickmediasolutions.com/actionstack/simple.html
Dead link:User example: http://stackoverflow.quickmediasolutions.com/actionstack/user.html
StackScript is released under the MIT license.
No packages as of yet.
The packages should compile in ActionScript 3+. Consequently, the SWF files should work with the Flash Player 9+.
I can be reached at [email protected]
The code and example can be found at http://launchpad.net/actionstack [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/jXOKI.png