I want to use the stack exchange apiStack Exchange API and get the total number of results returned from the search api callroute.
I wrote this recursive script to find the last page with the has_more=False
Is, is there a better way to do so ?
If not, can this be a feature ?
My Code:
import requests
api_url = "https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/"
def recursive_total(site, q, pagesize=100, pagemin=0, pagemax=1000000):
pageindex = (pagemin + pagemax) / 2
page = requests.get(api_url + '/search',
{'site': site, 'intitle': q, 'page': pageindex + 1, 'pagesize': pagesize}).json()
if page['has_more']:
return recursive_total(site, q, pagesize, (pagemin + pagemax) / 2, pagemax)
if len(page['items']) == 0:
return recursive_total(site, q, pagesize, pagemin, (pagemax + pagemin) / 2)
return pagesize * pageindex + len(page['items'])