I developed an application, user can give vote down or up to question or comments but when I send the request to the API of the stackexchenge the response it is not true and this back to me error number 500 what is wrong? more over I am passing Access_token by write access.
{"error_id":500,"error_message":"this error has been logged","error_name":"internal_error"}
I am using the StacManStacMan library:
public StacManClient _StacManClient = new StacManClient(key: "my_key", version: "2.2");
var responsedownvote = _StacManClient.Questions.downvote(SiteSearch, id: new List<int> { CommentId }, access_token: TokenAccess, filter: "", preview: true).Result;
var responseupvote= _StacManClient.Questions.upvote(SiteSearch, id: new List<int> { CommentId }, access_token: TokenAccess, filter: "", preview: true).Result;