This is currently not possible via the API. The best you could do is have the user logged into a browser and then screen-scrape the{user_id}/?tab=votes
pages... Hardly an acceptable workaround.
The Authentication doc, Scope section, does say:
private_info - access full history of a user's private actions on the site.
But what that really means can be seen in the Main API doc page and in the filter edit tool.
On the Main API doc page, you will see [auth required]
next to every path that needs authentication; that is, that can see or write a user's "private" data.
These paths currently are just:
- /comments/{id}/delete
- /comments/{id}/edit
- /events
- /inbox
- /inbox/unread
- /notifications
- /notifications/unread
- /posts/{id}/comments/add
- /users/{id}/inbox/me/inbox
- /users/{id}/inbox/unread/me/inbox/unread
- /users/{id}/reputation-history/full/me/reputation-history/full
-- which you can see have nothing that contains close/delete votes.
Like wise, the Filter Edit Tool, which you can see on almost every path's doc page:
Only allows for these objects:
- .wrapper
- filter
- access_token
- account_merge
- answer
- badge
- badge_count
- comment
- error
- event
- inbox_item
- info
- migration_info
- network_user
- notice
- notification
- post
- privilege
- question
- question_timeline
- related_site
- reputation
- reputation_history
- revision
- search_excerpt
- shallow_user
- site
- styling
- suggested_edit
- tag
- tag_score
- tag_synonym
- tag_wiki
- top_tag
- user
- user_timeline
- write_permission
None of which (including user
and user_timeline
) return any, user-specific, close or delete-vote information. (limited, Question-specific info is available.)
This does seem like a potentially useful feature-request, though. I'm all for more and better tools for managing the close and delete queues.